Mark Reifkind: Diaphragmatic Breathing
Breathing is simple. Right? But, what if your aren't doing it correctly . . . 23,000 times each day? Mark Reifkind explains the importance of diaphragm...
Kathy Dooley: Restoring Authentic Breathing and Core Control
Dr. Kathy Dooley, a lecturer in our Immaculate Dissection video, addresses a reader question: “How can I convince clients that I need to build them from...
Eric Beard: Quick Breathing Assessment
Eric Beard explains a breathing assessment to see if the diaphragm is doing its job. It’s quick and easy to perform before programming for your clients. ...
Mark Cheng: Breathing as Fundamental Movement
Mark Cheng gives you the best language to explain the importance of breathing to your clients and why it must serve as a starting point for correctives. ...
Gray Cook & Stuart McGill Discuss Breathing Assessment
We occasionally get questions from our readers looking for an article or lecture to start their new discovery. A recent customer wrote to ask about breathi...
Mark Cheng: Breathing 101
Quality breathing often declines for a variety of reasons as we age, become sedentary or even after things like specializing in a physical activity. Learni...
Mark Cheng: Movement Starts with Breathing
Any discussion of fundamental movement starts with breathing. If the breathing is not correct, the body is rejecting whatever you’re trying to teach it. ...
Gray Cook: Core Stability, Compensation and Breathing
Lacking core stability? Then you’re likely down on power. Here’s how Gray Cook discerns if it’s a breathing sequence problem.
Gray Cook: Working on Breathing in Patterns
Gray Cook discusses using the Functional Movement Screen to identify and correct pattern-based and position-based breathing problems. https://www.youtu...
Mark Reifkind: Tissue Quality
For Mark Reifkind, the important concept of tissue quality has been overlooked for too long. If foam rolling or whatever else you're doing is not making th...
Kathy Dooley: Functional Anatomy for All Disciplines
“Why is anatomy not taught this way in school?” Each time our team teaches Immaculate Dissection, we’re asked that same question. With curricula...