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Never Let Go
Dan John, Systematic Education for Lifters Excerpt, pages 89-96
It happens every time I write an article or give a workshop. Someone asks me, “So, uh, Dan, do you think I should do it five times a week or should I do it twice a day?” It doesn’t matter what “it” is–one-arm lifts, Tabata front squats, Olympic lifts–I always get the same perplexing response.
I understand perplexity. As the father of two teenagers, being perplexed defines most of my life. Only recently have I understood the issue from both sides of the question. Responses like the above mystify me because I’ve been training since 1967, and I can therefore discern whether or not something works. Perhaps more importantly, I understand the steps needed to take to add something (an exercise, a training protocol, a supplement) to my training.
Some people have no idea how to do this. If you’re one of those, let me give you a hint: You must begin by understanding how we learn.
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Mass Made Simple: A 6-Week Journey into Bulking
Dan John, Let’s Get Started: The Mental Side of Bulking Excerpt
The Toolkit for Goal-Setting: The Key to Bulking
Eat your way to SUCCESS!!!
I think I could make a fortune with a book entitled Eat Your Way to Success. I love to browse bookstores through the diet, fitness and cooking sections and just feast on all the delicious options for food or not eating food. Everything makes you fat if you look through enough diet books. That same “thing” is also the cure for your fatness in a book one shelf away. Walk over to the personal success aisle and you can learn to talk to yourself until you have a million dollars. Rather than talk to yourself like the nice lady on the midnight bus from downtown, I suggest eating your way to success.
Honestly, the three best mental images I have for success involve eating. From what I have seen across the vast landscape of America, eating is not a rarity for many here in these United States. I have been elbowed by many a moo-mooed woman in a buffet line in Las Vegas and I have the war wounds to prove it. Sadly, my Frog, Elephant and Alpo Dog Food Diet might lose customers simply by the title. Every time I fly, I see an advertisement for something called The Cookie Diet. Now that can sell. Somehow, even if it was The All You Can Eat Frog, Elephant and Alpo Dog Food Diet, it still might not break the top 10 best-seller list.
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Brother Iron, Sister Steel: A Bodybuilder’s Book
Dave Draper, From the Gripper to the Dungeon Excerpt
Time appears to be a cool character: unchanging, forever on the go, showing no favoritism. Yet time, upon which I never impose gender, is healing. Time forgives. My life inches along, and, may I presume, yours does as well. Two steps forward and one step back. The dance of men, women and children doing the best they can.
I can think few acts more profitable to growing up and becoming more complete than the honest, hard work of lifting weights and eating right.
I have two objectives as I set out to write this book: to underscore the things you need to know and to encourage you to do them. Get rid of the notion that you need to know more and more.
The learning is in the doing.
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Stella’s Kitchen: Creative Cooking for Fun, Flavor and a Lean, Strong Body
Stella Juarez, Troubleshooting the Protein Shake Excerpt
We’ve all got our own quirky tastes and texture preferences, even for simple protein shakes. Here are 10 tips you may find useful in preparing your favorite protein shakes.
If your shake:
~ is too thin: Try adding a few ice cubes, frozen fruit, or a tablespoon of sugar-free instant pudding mix to thicken it.
~ is too thick: Some protein mixes have guar gum or other artificial thickeners in them. To use up less-favorable protein powders, you can make shakes using only a half-serving, mixing in a regular whey protein to cover the protein gap.
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