OTP Web App
We’ve been talking about building an OTP app for ages and now our brilliant tech crew (Kaleem Sajid and his staff at Ilmigo) made us an OTP progressive web app for mobile devices, which is sort of a hybrid between an app and using the website through a browser. Kaleem tells me a lot of big companies are starting to develop web apps and that we’ll be seeing more of them than standalone apps in the future.
Once you add the web app to your home screen, you’ll be able to log in as normal and access your dashboard and digital files whether on- or off-line as long as you’ve downloaded the files at some point in the past. Streaming video is the only thing you won’t be able to do while offline, but when online, you’ll be able to stream through the OTP web app with none of the lags you might see through the regular browser.
Most importantly, the OTP web app will be faster. Additionally, you can visit a set of pages when you’re on wifi so those pages will be stored and available for you to read later when you’re offline.
To take advantage of the new web app, visit OTP via your mobile device and add the page to your home screen as described below. Then, click on the OTP icon on your home screen. You can log in and grab files from your dashboard as normal. And you can also visit the article archive and open whatever pages you might want to store on your phone for later. Here’s the full article archive to grab some pages.
Yay! Via Kaleem’s efforts these past few years, we’ve been way ahead of the norm when it comes to digital delivery. Now he’s given us a better way to deliver to your phone or tablet. Thank you, dear friends at Ilmigo!
PS: Our OTP Android web app automatically triggers a notification to let you know how to do this. Apple doesn’t allow the “add to home screen” notification; you’ll need to add the web app to your home screen manually from your browser’s menu (the three dots at the top right of screen). Yell if you get stuck and we’ll figure it out.