Lorimer Moseley: On Pain
When Craig Liebenson introduced me to Lorimer Moseley as a suggestion to film his Pain lecture at Jason Tonley's Cynergy Education event, I was pleased. Bu...

Dan John, A Systems Approach to Training DVD Links Page
A Systems Approach to Coaching & Training DVD links page, in order of appearance Dan John With Chip Conrad Link to Chip's How to Create a Holistic...

Thom Plummer: Building a Successful Fitness Business
When you combine Dave’s 55-year history haunting various gyms around the world with his unusual insight into training flow to design a bodybuilding gym, ...

Assessing Movement: A Contrast in Approaches & Future Directions
I was asked to set up the filming for this event, and I couldn't be more excited. This will be brilliant! Saturday, January 25, 2014, 8:00am-5:00pm Hos...

What Questions Does Gray Cook Answer in the New Key Exercises DVD?
A few years ago, Tim Ferriss got Gray to create a program for him when he interviewed Gray in what Tim later called the most important chapter of his bests...

Key Functional Training You Should Know Video Clips
From Gray Cook's Key Functional Training You Should Know, 3-disc DVD set What’s the difference between functional exercise and corrective exerci...

Key Functional Exercises You Should Know: New Gray Cook DVD
What’s the difference between functional exercise and corrective exercise? Do you know? Stop right here for a sec and consider that. Can you give a confi...
What’s in it for you?
As we scan through our morning Facebook stream, we all see intriguing statements we wish we understood better. We all wish we had more time to absorb new m...
You’ve heard of Dan John’s Quadrants idea, but what’s he talking about?
Intervention, Course Corrections for the Athlete & Trainer Available in print, ebook and audio book. Excerpts from Chapters 8 & 9 I was recent...
West Coast Bodybuilding Scene: Afterword
West Coast Bodybuilding Scene: Golden Era Bodybuilding Dick Tyler, Afterword 1965 Mr. America For some reason I decided to go to a movie, a Satu...
From the Gripper to the Dungeon
Dave Draper Time appears to be a cool character: unchanging, forever on the go, showing no favoritism. Yet time, upon which I never impose gender, is heal...