Boris Bachmann: Deadlift Stud, Squat Dud
As the Squat RX guy, I get a lot of questions from people struggling to bring their squat up to the level of their deadlifts. Many of them are pretty stro...
Brian Gwaltney: Perspective and Standards — You Don’t Need More Than An “F”
“How strong is strong enough?” That is a question that gets tossed around all too frequently. Every coach has standards they think everyone should hi...
Byron Chandler: Periodization
The simplistic approach of working as hard as possible, resting, recovering completely and then repeating is a successful model for beginners. If that wor...
Chuck Wolf: Muscle Energy Techniques
Excerpted from Insights into Functional Training Leon Chaitow, founding Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, states in his...
Eric Chessen: Autism Fitness for Adults
There was a time when “Why is exercise important for individuals with autism?” was an actual question that I had to answer. Yes, I mean that. There w...
Jeremy Hall: Scaling The System to Work for You
How would you scale down the system for weekend warriors or keen amateurs in our 30s, 40s and 50s, with lots of experience, but also full-time jobs and fam...
Sue Falsone and Gray Cook: What is Functional Training?
Sue Falsone and Gray Cook were able to catch up on the lecture circuit. We’re glad that one of them thought it would be a good idea to hit record when th...
Thomas Plummer: The Immutable Laws of Money and Coaching, Part 2
This is an excerpt from The Soul of a Trainer. For Laws #1-8, here's Part 1 Number Nine—One-dimensional coaches fail over time. Coaching isn’t eno...
Thomas Plummer: The Immutable Laws of Money and Coaching
This is an excerpt from The Soul of a Trainer Number One—Never fail to charge what you are worth. You cannot be the cheapest coach in town and expect...
Jeremy Hall: The Power of Mentorship
Constructing the System and The Power of Mentorship Since this is my first blog entry for OTP, it only makes sense to explain how I got here, and why it’...
Sue Falsone: Pain Theories
Excerpted from Bridging the Gap From Rehab to Performance Pain Theories As we try to understand why the body deals with pain the way it does and as we ...