Dan John: Alignment
Dan John discusses the simple beauty of alignment and why it must be a common theme and vital requirement in sport and fitness.
Greg Dea: Wellness Monitoring
Wellness Targets - How to hit more bulls-eyes with daily wellness monitoring for your clients. On any given day, your client’s state of wellbeing has...
Mark Cheng: Half-kneeling Rotation
Mark Cheng explores the benefits of half-kneeling. It’s often underestimated and not necessarily easy, but it may be where learning can happen. https:...
Taylor Lewis: Time Under Tension
Over the years you learn a lot about yourself. Your reflections build and mold how you approach training and where your journey will lead you. Looking bac...
Sue Falsone: Shoulder Rotation Drills
Dysfunctions in shoulder rotation are Sue Falsone’s topic in this video clip that looks at her go-to corrective exercises for compensations seen in downw...
Sophia McDermott Drysdale: 6 Reasons Why ALL Women Should Perform Resistance Training
6 Reasons Why ALL Women Should Perform Resistance Training Even though the “ideal image” of a woman's body has progressed from the stick-thin, French ...
Dan John: Gaps in Training
This video clip and transcript from Dan John gets you to think about the gaps in your training and why what you’re not doing may be your biggest obstacle...
Quantitative Medicine, Quantitative Exercise
In fitness and exercise, the terms quantitative and qualitative are thrown around quite often, usually without much thought to what they really mean. (Many...
Charlie Weingroff: Hip Hinge Biomechanics
Charlie Weingroff talks biomechanics: the importance of the hip hinge to lifts and swings and what may be keeping you from going back as far as you need. ...
Greg Dea: Knee Injuries in Volleyball
Bulletproofing The Volleyball Knee by Greg Dea Previously, when I wrote about bulletproofing the volleyball shoulder, I stated that what is common in voll...
Gray Cook: Motor Control and Stability and Prime Mover Training
In this clip, Gray Cook makes a clear statement: View stability with a strength mentality and you’ll miss the nuances of motor control, coordination an...