Brian Gwaltney: Don’t Get Used to Extreme
A couple of years ago, a friend of mine asked his wife not to shop at the mall during Christmas time because he was worried about a terrorist attack. Thin...
Gray Cook: Work Capacity and Motor Control
Motor control work is simpler than we make it. Get up and carry some stuff. Don’t bring bad mobility to it. Then, all you’ve got to do is watch breathi...
Models of Periodization
This article is an excerpt from The System, Periodization for the Strength Coach by Johnny Parker, Al Miller, Rob Panariello and Jeremy Hall Professor ...
Greg Rose: Fix Function First Just because you have the capacity—tons of strength and power and you have all these great things— does this t...
Greg Dea: Feedback and Cueing – Making Them Work Together
Movement is an output, a performance, a behavior. When coaching, we decide if a movement is satisfactory or not. The keen eye of the professional uses the ...
Gray Cook: Core Stability, Compensation and Breathing
Lacking core stability? Then you’re likely down on power. Here’s how Gray Cook discerns if it’s a breathing sequence problem.
Thomas Plummer: Fitness Professionals Only Have Two Speeds
Fitness professionals only have two speeds in their internal motors: full on, flat out and all in, or destroyed on the couch, drooling like an old bulldog,...
Sue Falsone: Scapula, Shoulder and Cervical Thoracic Junction Drill
Your clients likely carry tension in their shoulders, where it’s hard to manually relax them without activating something else. Try this simple drill fro...
Taylor Lewis: Communication — The Missing Key Between Performance and Rehab
As young children, we were always told to ask questions if we didn’t understand something. We were told that there was no such thing as a “dumb questio...
Mark Cheng: Movement Starts with Breathing
Any discussion of fundamental movement starts with breathing. If the breathing is not correct, the body is rejecting whatever you’re trying to teach it. ...
Maggie Selzer & Garrett Bullock: What is Motor Control?
Motor control is a phrase that surfaces often in the realm of physical therapy. Sometimes as part of a discussion related to theories of motor control and/...