Mike Prevost: Ruck Training Programs – PART 1
Interested in the potential offered by ruck training? Because of its history as a means of military conveyance, there’s plenty of information out there o...
Thomas Plummer: Does Your Training Business have an Exit Plan?
The training business is a tough one to get into. You know that . . . but when the time comes, how are you going to get out of it?
Dan John: Old Drills Reborn—Training Programs for “Everybody Else”
Thirty seconds on? I can do that. Thirty seconds off? Definitely. For thirty minutes? Say what? Dan John has some ideas that may convince you to add classic circuit training to your pro...
Joel Jamieson: Building the Performance Model
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that performance is the same for every sport . . . it’s literally a different ball game. The Performance Model is where the athlete, the requireme...
Mike Boyle: Three Lessons I Learned from Coaching Kids
Mike Boyle has the experience to know when to keep training simple. When coaching kids, K.I.S.S. is the rule . . . and even then, there are lessons to learn that will make you a better ...
Alwyn Cosgrove: Basic Movements and Program Design
Are you making program design too complicated? Start with basic movements and see if they make the difference your client wants.
Glenn Pendlay: Olympic Weightlifting Tips for Beginners
People are scared to try the Olympic lifts, scared to put them in their training programs because the lifts are supposed to be so difficult. But everybody can learn this with instructio...
Robert Linkul: The Phobias of Training Older Adults
If you’re afraid of training older clients, you aren’t just missing out on a large business demographic. You’re not helping some of the clients who need you the most.
Charlie Weingroff: Corrective Exercise for the Movement Professional
Corrective exercise works through negative feedback, so when Charlie Weingroff wants to program exercises that work . . . he tries to pick something that his client can’t beat.
Gray Cook: Coddled Conditioning
Is conditioning incompatible with coddling? Gray Cook thinks so: your clients shouldn’t always get their way. They should get what they need.
Gray Cook: Stability vs Mobility
Got enough mobility? . . . Unable to put it to use? Static and dynamic holds are where you pick up the stability you want and need.