
Sue Falsone and Gray Cook: What is Functional Training?
Sue Falsone and Gray Cook were able to catch up on the lecture circuit. We’re glad that one of them thought it would be a good idea to hit record when th...

Thomas Plummer: The Immutable Laws of Money and Coaching, Part 2
More wisdom and guidance on how to make it as a trainer. Thomas Plummer presents the Laws of Money and Coaching: Personal, ethical and business guidelines that it pays to heed.

Thomas Plummer: The Immutable Laws of Money and Coaching
Want to last as a trainer? Thomas Plummer presents the Laws of Money and Coaching: Personal, ethical and business guidelines that it pays to heed.

Jeremy Hall: The Power of Mentorship
There’s more to being successful in strength and conditioning than just learning the science of strength. The art of coaching is woven deeply into the collective wisdom of the great m...

Sue Falsone: Pain Theories
Pain is a reality of rehab and performance, and the more you understand, the more you can help your client or patient understand. In this excerpt, Sue Falsone summarizes a few of the mo...

The System: Foreword
Coach Dan Reeves gives us a glimpse at the work of coaches Johnny Parker and Al Miller, who, with Rob Panariello and Jeremy Hall, wrote The System, the ultimate guide to periodization.

Brian Gwaltney: Don’t Get Used to Extreme
Is your sleep nonexistent, your diet unreasonable or your exercise injurious? Maybe it’s time to walk away from the extreme and reset yourself with moderation.

Gray Cook: Work Capacity and Motor Control
Motor control work is simpler than we make it. Get up and carry some stuff. Don’t bring bad mobility to it. Then, all you’ve got to do is watch breathing and alignment as you build ...

Frequency of Training
Frequency of Training: Success in training comes down to building recovery into the program from the beginning. Is this a factor in your workout programming?

Models of Periodization
The data, the books and your experience all tell you that periodization works to maximize the performance of your athletes. But are you using the most effective model of periodization f...

Greg Rose: Fix Function First
Greg Rose breaks down how the Functional Movement Systems work together . . . and why everything works better when you fix function before progressing to skill.