Posts in "Articles"

Stacy Barrows: Foam Roller History and Practical Use
Can we do anything without a foam roller anymore? Stacy Barrows fills you in on why they are so popular and why they work so well . . . when used correctly...

Gray Cook: What are Progressions?
What are progressions? How are they part of your training continuum? For Gray Cook, language and communication are vital to accountability.

Eric Chessen: Training Clients with Autism
Coaches, therapists and fitness professionals often have outstanding program templates and countless exercise options, but they need the proper three-part strategy for training clients ...

Charlie Weingroff: High Threshold Strategy
High threshold strategies are necessary . . . but when? Charlie Weingroff discusses the issues that can result from incorrectly bracing for strength.

Eric Beard: The Kinetic Chain Principle
With the overview of global dysfunction, Eric Beard explains the concept of the kinetic chain principle.

Dan John: The Art of Coaching
Sure, there’s a science of coaching . . . But for Dan John, the art of coaching is what gets results: The art of making people think what they need to do is what they want to do.

Gray Cook: Own the movement before you do the exercise
To complement the new Gray on Gray video series, let's consider how to break down a movement pattern. How do you "own a movement before you do the exercise?"

Lee Burton: Active Straight Leg Raise — Corrective or Conditioning?
Beyond a screen, is the Active Straight Leg Raise a corrective, a workout or conditioning exercise? Lee Burton explains how it depends on what you’re trying to accomplish.

Mike Boyle on Rotational Training
From Mike Boyle: Rotational training is really the blending of core training and strength training and is, in fact, an essential part of both core training and proper strength developme...

Chris Holder: An Argument for Early Specialization in Sports
The argument against early specialization is a strong one, but Chris Holder believes that an early focus on one sport can be beneficial, if done correctly with a dedicated, well thought...

Kathy Dooley: Hip Compression in the Lunge
If you sit all day, you’ll eventually deal with hip compression. Kathy Dooley takes you to her working position—the lunge—for decompression and full hip extension.