Posts in "Articles"

Dan John: ‘Get Back Up’ Drill for Older Clients
Thousands of Americans die every year from falls and fall-related injuries. The right exercises for your older clients can help prevent falls and Dan Johnâ...

Chris Holder: Turning Speed
Changing direction with speed and agility is a ‘symphony’ of athleticism – Chris Holder discusses the vital importance of turning speed and how he coaches it to his teams’ advan...

Kathy Dooley: Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Core Muscles
What is the difference between an extrinsic core muscle and an intrinsic core muscle? Kathy Dooley demonstrates the functional anatomy for you using body painting.

The Shoulder Joint: Impingement
The shoulder joint is a complicated region with a lot of available movement and plenty of possible areas of aggravation.

Kathy Dooley: Functional Anatomy for All Disciplines
Need an anatomy refresher? Kathy Dooley proposes body painting as a new and powerful way to continue your functional anatomy education.

Stuart McGill: Testing Athletes with Jumps
The Olympic lifts require a state of relaxation and Stuart McGill has an interesting way to screen for its presence: box jumps.

Glenn Pendlay: Strength Training is a Process, Not an Event
Spreadsheets are great for developing percentage-based strength training programs, but Glenn Pendlay wonders if they change how we view the training experience.

Tracy Reifkind: Kettlebell Progressions – The Roundabout
Twice as much work, half as much rest. Tracy Reifkind’s ‘Roundabout’ kettlebell progression can get you there and beyond.

Dan John: Key Points in The Goal Setting Process
Dan John's a leader in teaching goal setting, sorting out the goal, then guiding the path to it. This short commentary describes his process.

Joel Jamieson: Using Heart Rate Variability
Don’t guess at where your clients are on their training continuum. Using Heart Rate Variability to look at the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems tells you if they are on...

Dave Whitley: Kettlebell Wrist Position and Grip
Iron Tamer Dave Whitley talks kettlebell wrist position, pain compliance and why ‘goosenecking’ is a good thing for your rack, press and getup.