Posts in "Articles"

Chuck Wolf: Blending Traditional Training with Functional, Integrated Training
How can you balance the strength gains of traditional training with the mobility that comes with functional training? Chuck Wolf works through the layers o...

Jeremy Hall and Al Miller: Scaling The System — Part 3
Scaling The System for the average lifter is all about managing time and stress. Jeremy Hall gives you the real numbers to make it work for you and your clients.

Jeremy Hall and Al Miller: Scaling the System – Part 2
In the second article of this series on scaling a system of Russian periodization to fit your needs and wants, Jeremy Hall and Al Miller cover a few basic changes you can make that will...

Boris Bachmann: Deadlift Stud, Squat Dud
Boris Bachmann, the Squat RX guy, answers a few questions from people struggling to bring their squat up to the level of their deadlift (and that’s a lot of people).

Brian Gwaltney: Perspective and Standards — You Don’t Need More Than An “F”
Does your quest for fitness and strength consume too much of your life? Maybe you need to ask yourself about how you set your standards.

Byron Chandler: Periodization
Train all out. Recuperate. Repeat . . . The word “Periodization” gets thrown around a lot. This primer will give you a great understanding of when and where it works and just how si...

Chuck Wolf: Muscle Energy Techniques
Do not build stability on top of stability. After considering the health and activity history and lifestyle of a client, Muscle Energy Techniques are often helpful to gain not only stim...

Eric Chessen: Autism Fitness for Adults
The young autism population will age. Continuing to provide appropriate Autism Fitness programs for the ASD population opens the gateway to a higher quality of life in adulthood.

Jeremy Hall: Scaling The System to Work for You
How would you scale down a pro training system for weekend warriors or keen amateurs in our 30s, 40s and 50s, with lots of experience, but also full-time jobs and families? . . . Jeremy...

Sue Falsone and Gray Cook: What is Functional Training?
Sue Falsone and Gray Cook were able to catch up on the lecture circuit. We’re glad that one of them thought it would be a good idea to hit record when they started discussing function...

Thomas Plummer: The Immutable Laws of Money and Coaching, Part 2
More wisdom and guidance on how to make it as a trainer. Thomas Plummer presents the Laws of Money and Coaching: Personal, ethical and business guidelines that it pays to heed.