Posts in "Articles"

Musclebuilding is as Old as the Hills
Dave Draper sets the stage of the history of lifting when bodybuilding neared critical mass, swirled in its energy and attracted its grand external source ...

Chris Holder: Breaking Down Coaching Instruction
Coaching is an art form. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Chris Holder breaks down coaching instruction to uncover what makes great coaches . . . great.

Dan John: Wandering Weights, Issue # 112
Dan John's Wandering Weights, Our Epic Journey Through All Things Heavy, Issue # 112

Dave Whitley: The Art of Perfect Practice
Strongman Dave Whitley takes on some of the famous aphorisms about practice, discusses the wrong way to practice and leads you to the right way.

Mike Boyle: How to Build a Successful Training Business
Mike Boyle gives you an indispensable primer covering the oft-overlooked basics of building a successful training business.

Dan John: Wandering Weights, Issue # 111
Dan John's Wandering Weights, Our Epic Journey Through All Things Heavy, Issue # 111

Mark Cheng: Emotional Attachments – Exercise, Identity and Addiction
Mark Cheng tackles the problem of emotional attachment to certain workouts and presents systems and practices that can overcome a client’s limited exercise identity.

Chip Conrad: Goal Setting, Level One
What is motivating your clients? Will it keep them motivated? Chip Conrad explains why discerning their motivation is the first step of setting realistic goals.

Guy Massi: Stay General or Go Specific When Training Young Athletes?
A philosophical and practical look at the training timeline for young athletes; from general athleticism to sport-specific skills, giving guidance on decisions to be made along the way.

Lorimer Moseley: Perception and Pain
Lorimer Moseley discusses an intriguing experiment that tricks the brain and demonstrates that perception is always a factor when dealing with pain.

Gray Cook at Google
I had an opportunity to do a talk at Google recently, and I’d like to invite you to take a look at it. They have a thing called Talks at Google where they invite people to talk ab...