Posts in "Front Page"

Joel Jamieson: Using Heart Rate Variability
Don’t guess at where your clients are on their training continuum. Using Heart Rate Variability to look at the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous sy...

Dave Whitley: Kettlebell Wrist Position and Grip
Iron Tamer Dave Whitley talks kettlebell wrist position, pain compliance and why ‘goosenecking’ is a good thing for your rack, press and getup.

Guy Massi: Differentiated Instruction, Learning Styles and Learning Disorders
In this informative primer on learning styles and learning disorders, Guy Massi gives you tips on being more aware of your client’s learning needs as part of your differentiated instr...

Sue Falsone: Scapular Stabilizers
As Sue Falsone ‘dissects’ the scapular stabilizers, you’ll learn why she believes the stabilizing muscles of the shoulder should be looked at from a mobility viewpoint rather than...

How do you use the FMS screen in a group class?
Here's a question we hear pretty often: How do you use the FMS screen in a group class? Alwyn Cosgrove and Gray Cook answer this for you.

Greg Dea and Rod Harris: Bench Press Movement Mistakes — Lock Them Out or Learn from Them
Dea and Harris dissect the bench press as an example of how and when function should determine the treatment of movement mistakes: What do the numbers say? What’s the athletic carry o...

Adam Wolf: Shoulder Impingement and Humeral Head Positioning
Adam Wolf demonstrates a simple assessment to observe asymmetries in shoulder mobility and anatomical causes of shoulder impingement.

Marcus Santer: Helping Your 40-Plus Client Age Successfully (and Look Great)
Marcus Santer draws on his own experiences—setbacks and successes—to help trainers provide guidance to their aging clients. It’s an easy way to learn some hard lessons.

Charlie Weingroff and Mark Cheng: Touch the Wall Drill
Drs. Weingroff and Cheng cover a quick and easy drill to make sure your hip hinge is where it needs to be: as far back as your anatomy and flexibility will allow.

Chris Holder: Strength and Conditioning Coaches, Are We Lifting the Athleticism Out of Our Athletes?
Strength and conditioning coaches exist to fully prepare their athletes for the endeavors and challenges ahead. We may also be hurting them if we lift without guiding principles.

Eric Beard: Spine Mobility vs Stability
Eric Beard describes spine mobility and stability, providing a full explanation of the anatomy at play in thoracic spine movement.