Posts in "Front Page"

training for tomorrow with Dan John

Dan John: Training for Tomorrow

Tons of training experience and wisdom in a quick video from Dan John on separating practice from performance.

Eric Beard: Thoracic Spine Impairment and Dysfunction

Eric Beard reviews the causes and symptoms of thoracic spine dysfunction and explains the corrective strategies that he uses with success.

Glenn Pendlay coaches

Glenn Pendlay: Do You Need to Stomp in Weightlifting?

Well, do you? Glenn Pendlay thinks it’s helpful for beginners to stomp or jump because it can break a bad habit.

More Reasons Why the Squat is Called the King of Exercises

The second installment of the squat primer: the information you need to understand the squat as a movement pattern and exercise . . . and get more from it for yourself and your clients.

Gray Cook with MMA fighter

Gray Cook: Working on Breathing in Patterns

Gray Cook discusses using the Functional Movement Screen to identify and correct pattern-based and position-based breathing problems. Are you being robbed of mobility and strength?

Olympic lifting with Wil Fleming

Wil Fleming: Weightlifting Technique is Not Complicated

Wil Fleming discusses his philosophy of lifting and identifies, simplifies and corrects a few of the most common errors in Olympic weightlifting technique.

Eric Beard: Thoracic Spine Disassociation

In this video segment, Eric Beard demonstrates a simple corrective exercise for disassociation of the thoracic spine from the scapulae in clients working on increased shoulder mobility.

front squats Dave Draper

Why is the Squat Called the King of Exercises?

A primer on the squat: the information you need to understand the squat as a movement pattern and exercise . . . and get more from it for yourself and your clients.

Mark Reifkind: Shoulder Mobility

Mark Reifkind discusses the reality of living with injuries and shares a stretch to help regain shoulder mobility before your workout.

Dan John: Training Longevity — Life in the Weight Room

Muscle is the Fountain of Youth, but how do you ensure yourself the training longevity to build it and keep it as you age? Dan John breaks down age-appropriate training, covering everyt...

Mark Cheng prehab drills

Mark Cheng: Prehab-Rehab for Forward Posture

Mark Cheng demonstrates a great stepping stone for clients or patients with a forward posture who aren’t comfortable in a prone position.