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The complete system you need to enhance movement and reduce injury risk
Clinicians, coaches and trainers all share the same goal: getting the human body to function at its peak with minimum risk of injury.
Yet, two major problems often hold these professions back from achieving this shared goal.
Problem #1: Not taking into account an individual’s quality of movement
Healthcare and fitness practitioners often neglect fundamental movement, paying too much attention to the surface view.
A surgeon, a physician and a physical therapist see problems through eyes biased by their training. One sees a surgical solution based on structure; one considers which medication to manage pain and inflammation, while the other looks for mechanical issues to rehabilitate.
Coaches and trainers, on the other hand, often focus on fitness and performance without first screening for movement dysfunctions that might cause movement compromises or predispositions to injury.
Across these professions, fundamental movement often isn’t brought into the conversation on the same level as other issues that are qualified and quantified in exercise and rehabilitation.
This leaves people open to risk of injury, pain and performance inefficiencies that could otherwise be avoided.
Problem #2: Not having a common language to communicate with each other
Coaches, trainers and clinicians have different skillsets, different areas of expertise, and different educational backgrounds. But because they treat the same clients, they must be able to effectively communicate with each other.
In the absence of a common language, these different professions often speak past each other to the detriment of the client.
If you’re a trainer, strength coach, physical therapist, chiropractor or clinician whose clients trust you to get them performing at their best, you need to overcome these two problems. To do so, you need to have a system for evaluating and improving movement quality, and a common language you use to communicate with other professionals.
In Movement, Gray Cook outlines a movement system aimed at solving these problems. This system is now being used across the world in NFL teams, NHL teams, the military, universities, and countless other clinics and training centers.
This system provides a standard operating procedure and a common language for movement-pattern screening, assessment and correction in fitness and rehabilitation. It will allow you to better identify potential risks, and to create better rehabilitation and exercise programs based on each person’s unique movement profile.
If you’ve ever wanted to—
- understand why people get injured, and why their pain keeps returning
- improve a patient’s recovery process
- give people a strong foundation before loading their exercises with weights
- eliminate training mistakes that delay results
- improve your client’s chances of making it through the athletic season without suffering a non-contact injury
- restore the quality life in people who have suffered in pain due to movement problems
- help build more functional, longer-lasting athletes
- avoid frustrations and improve patient outcomes when working with other healthcare and fitness professionals by learning a standardized language for communication
… then Gray’s Functional Movement System outlined in Movement may be just what you need.
Movement is like a college course in the missing piece of the performance and rehabilitation puzzle you never learned in school.
Let’s take a look at what you’ll find inside the book.
Topics Covered In Movement
Understanding Human Movement
You will learn how to use screening, testing and assessment to classify movement proficiency or deficiency. You’ll also learn the differences between the two systems, the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) and the Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA).
Inside the book, you’ll learn—
- What’s missing from the fitness and rehabilitation professions that causes many to fall prey to subjectivity. pg.51
- Two problems with current exercise programming. pg.52
- If our movement foundation is so similar and so basic, is it ever okay to lose it, even when our chosen sports and activities differ? See pg.53
- What the brain tells the body in situations of stress. pg.54
- How to create the potential for smooth movement patterns and good movement basics. pg.54
- The difference between a physical difficulty and a physical challenge, and which your conditioning and rehabilitation drills should provide. pg.56
- How strength coaches, personal trainers, physical therapists and chiropractors can help people with musculoskeletal problems. pg.58
- How screens fit in with more specific testing procedures. pg.59
- The difference between a screen, a test and an assessment. pg.60
- What the Functional Movement Systems (FMS & SFMA) are designed to achieve—an overview of the two tools pg.60
- When to use the FMS, and when to use the SFMA. pg.63
- How the rehabilitation profession has evolved over the past two decades. pg.63
“We have integrated many of Gray Cook’s movement principles and corrective strategies into our programs to help accomplish our mission of preserving and maintaining the Commander’s combat power. The FMS screening and assessment tools are very useful in establishing the baseline for our performance training system.” ~ Mike Strock, US NAVY, Human Performance Consultant |
Screening Movement
Where in your intake process should you screen? Can you screen an injured client or athlete? Movement will show you where to place movement screening in your existing business model, and where your program structure might be improved.
Inside the book, you’ll learn—
- Two categories you can divide physical problems into that will allow you to develop more effective corrective strategies. pg.65
- How movement patterns are often lost. pg.67
- One thing missing from normal rehabilitation discharge criteria that leaves patients at risk of reinjury. pg.67
- The effect of injury on movement. pg.68
- Where a movement screen fits in the hierarchy of examinations and physical tests. pg.69
- Three basic outcomes of a movement screen. pg.71
- Why the traditional sports medicine model doesn’t provide enough information to assess an individual’s preparedness of activity. pg.71
“I used the Functional Movement Screen in my work with training professional football players, and you can use it for your work with hearty athletes, personal training clients and rehabilitation patients as well. It’s that versatile, that effective and that appealing. Everything we did at the Indianapolis Colts is built on a Functional Movement Screen base—it’s the foundation of the program.” ~ Jon Torine, Former Strength and Conditioning Coach, Indianapolis Colts |
Functional Movement Systems and Movement Patterns
What is the FMS? And how is it different from the SFMA? In Movement, you’ll learn about both the systems, and will finish with an appreciation of primitive and higher-level movement patterns.
Inside the book, you’ll learn—
- Differences between the FMS and the SFMA. pg.73
- The seven FMS movements. pg.74
- The seven SFMA top-tier assessments. pg.75
- The SFMA breakouts. pg.76
- The three tests in the FMS that are primarily important and represent core stability in the three essential foot positions. pg.79
- Which tests have a bias towards mobility, and which have a bias towards stability. pg.80
- Which four tests you should focus on in your corrective strategy if a person has low scores across multiple tests. pg.80
- When you should perform the movement screen. pg.81
- The two groups of movement patterns tested by the FMS, and which to correct first. pg.81
- What to do do if pain is observed during the FMS. pg.81
- What to do if you observe limited movement patterns on the FMS. pg.82
- What to do if you observe asymmetrical movement patterns on the FMS. pg.83
- How intentional redundancy is built into the FMS. pg.83
- How to distinguish between pain and discomfort during screening. pg.84
- Scoring the FMS. pg.85
- The FMS hierarchy: in which order issues should be addressed. pg.85
- Three additional clearing tests that look at key areas where range-of-motion extremes are indicators of poor mobility or stability. pg.85
“I was skeptical when Gray and Lee first took me through the screening process. But by bringing out my weak spots, this honest evaluation told them exactly what I needed to work on. They taught me to think of my body in a different way, proving trainers and therapists don’t need fancy equipment to do a good evaluation.” ~ Michelle Wie, Professional Golfer |
The Functional Movement Screen (FMS)
You’ll learn in detail the seven basic screens that make up the FMS, including where to stand during screening, what to watch for during the movements and how to plan your modifications. You’ll get a description of each screen, the purpose of each, tips for testing, possible causes of issues and photographs showing how to score each test.
You’ll also learn how to modify the movement screen for special populations such as the morbidly obese, seniors and those with medical restrictions.
Analyzing Movements in Screens and Assessments
You’ll learn how to analyze the various test results. Using the tests of the Functional Movement Screen as the base, you’ll discover what mistakes most beginners make in screening, how to distinguish between stability and mobility problems, and how to determine asymmetries. Here you’ll also get your first introduction to reverse patterning (RP) and reactive neuromuscular training (RNT), two of the primary corrective tools of the Functional Movement Systems arsenal.
Inside the book, you’ll learn—
- Five mistakes people make when screening the squat. pg.193
- What to do if you see limited ankle dorsiflexion in the deep squat. pg.195
- How to test whether tight lats are the real reason a person’s arms drift forward on the deep squat. pg.195
- Why some people are able to squat heavy weight, yet are unable to complete the overhead deep squat with only bodyweight. pg.196
- The difference between the squat movement pattern used in the screen and the squat exercise—including why the feet are kept pointing forward, instead of out-turned during the screen. pg.197
- The reverse patterning technique: fix the deep squat quicker by training it from the bottom up. pg.199
- Correct the deep squat without verbal cues by using reactive neuromuscular training. pg.200
- What the hurdle step screen and single-leg stance test reveal. pg.201
- How long you should be able to hold a single-leg stance. pg.203
- Typical beginner mistakes when looking at the hurdle step or single-leg stances. pg.204
- The corrective strategy for the hurdle and single-leg stance. pg.205
- How the FMS can help runners and triathletes. pg.205
- Why the inline lunge is in the FMS but not in the SFMA. pg.206
- What the inline lunge reveals. pg.206
- Why some people do well in the lunge test, but do poorly in the squat pattern, and vice versa. pg.206
- Why the inline linge test in the FMS is not a lunge at all, and what problems it exposes. pg.207
- What the shoulder mobility reach test tells you. pg.209
- Causes of poor scapular stability. pg.210
- The common underlying problems in people who display both asymmetry and significant limitation in the shoulder mobility tests. pg.210
- Retraining the natural shoulder mobility pattern. pg.210
- The three components the active straight-leg raise tests. pg.211
- Where the pushup stands in the corrective hierarchy. pg.213
- What the FMS pushup test looks at. pg.213
- Why there is no SFMA representation of the FMS pushup test. pg.214
- Why fit people often have difficulty when performing the rotary stability test. pg.214
- The advantages of using rolling patterns in breakouts for rotation, flexion and extension. pg.215
“Gray Cook has changed things. You might not know it, but things are different now. I’ve been in sports since LBJ was in office, and I’ve been wondering something for a long time: What’s wrong? Yep, that’s it. Why does this hurt when I do that? How come I can’t just do X? Gray has the answer in his new book, Movement. Right from the start, he tells me what I’ve been doing wrong for way too long: First move well, and then move often. His performance pyramid alone is worth the time and energy to read the book. But my favorite part of the text is idea of self-limiting activities. It’s not a cure-all section, but, for me, it was a blueprint to think about exercise in a whole new light: something that actually moves while working on the quality of movement. If you understand what I wrote, bless you. Otherwise, read the section! I keep expanding my “Must Have” Library. Tommy Kono’s book? Check. Keys to Progress? Check. Boyle’s new book on exercise? Check. Cerutty on Training? Check. Power to the People and Return of the Kettlebell? Check and Check. Check out Cook’s new book. Push your bookends out a little wider. It’s a keeper.” ~ Dan John, author of Never Let Go |
Understanding Corrective Strategies
What do you do with the resulting screen and assessment information? You’ll learn about the performance pyramid and how to use it to form corrective strategies. Understanding the differences between correct and corrective exercises, between challenging versus difficult, and having a selection of self-limiting exercises in your exercise menu will give you confidence as you assign and program exercises.
Inside the book, you’ll learn—
- Common corrective exercise mistakes. pg.217
- How many screens or assessments you should conduct as practice before using the Screen on your clients or patients. pg.218
- The three biggest and most frequent mistakes made by professionals conducting the FMS and SFMA. pg.219
- The Performance Pyramid: a map designed to guide your evaluation and programming priorities. pg.220
- How to tell whether a corrective exercise is too easy, too difficult, or just right. pg.226
- How to increase the difficulty of a corrective exercise without increasing resistance. pg.227
- What exercises to remove from a program following a movement screen or movement assessment. pg.228
- How corrective exercise fits into an exercise program. pg.229
- How to reduce your need for corrective exercises. pg.230
- Improve poor movements and maintain functional movement quality with self-limiting exercises: examples of self-limiting activities you can use in your programs. pg.232
- Four steps to help you implement corrective exercise successfully in the Functional Movement System. pg 234
“Gray’s premise is beautiful in its simplicity: Training movement can fix muscles, but training muscles rarely fixes movement. Since all of sport is movement, his 80/20 approach is then astounding in its effectiveness. For the time invested, the FMS and its cousins are the best tools I’ve seen for producing bullet-proof athletes and pain-free non-athletes in record time.” ~ Tim Ferriss, author of the #1 NY Times bestseller, The 4-Hour Workweek |
Developing Corrective Strategies
Now that you’ve discovered dysfunctional patterns in your clients, athletes and patients, learn how to develop the right corrective strategies with the help of the three primary categories of mobility, stability and movement-pattern retraining. You’ll get comparisons of conditioning and corrective exercise, movement prep and movement correction, skill training and corrective prioritization, and will understand when each is appropriate.
Inside the book, you’ll learn—
- Which group of FMS corrective exercises you should start your corrective exercise progressions with. pg.240
- Using corrective exercise in the SFMA. pg.241
- The difference between functional and corrective exercise. pg.243
- Distinguishing between conditioning exercise, corrective exercise, and movement preparation: where they all fit in your exercise programs. pg.244
- Prioritizing corrective strategies in the FMS: which FMS tests you should focus on first. pg.248
- Prioritizing corrective strategies in the SFMA: which SFMA tests you should focus on first. pg.248
- How to develop an effective corrective toolbox for the FMS and SFMA. pg.249
Building the Corrective Framework
You’ll get a six-item checklist for your corrective decisions. Even though every person’s movement is unique, with this framework, your corrective path will be clearer. You’ll also become familiar with the basic structure involving special considerations and populations that may make up part of your client or patient base.
Inside the book, you’ll learn—
- The six Ps: a simple checklist to help you make the right corrective exercise decision for your patient or client. pg.251
- Corrective strategy for special populations—corrective strategy considerations for those under medical care, the severely deconditioned, weight-loss patients, athletes, young and old. pg.257
- Two basic ways to examine breathing when prescribing corrective exercise. pg.261
The application of the principles contained in this book has changed the lives of many people—real world people I see every day in my clinic. People who have suffered in pain for years now have their quality of life restored because of the applied principles in this book. “Movement was a paradigm shift for me as a clinician. Gray opened my eyes to the wonders of human movement and the systems necessary for understanding it. This was the system I had been searching for when determining why people were getting injured, and why their pain syndromes kept returning. People asked, “Why does my pain keep coming back?” and I never had an answer. That is… until I discovered Movement. ~ Dr. Perry Nickelston |
Movement Pattern Corrections
Build on your knowledge of basic mobility and stability corrections and movement-pattern retraining. Using passive, active and assistive techniques, you’ll be able to help your clients, athletes and patients recover lost mobility. Learn about stability and motor control, transitional postures and how to use facilitation techniques such as reactive neuromuscular training to challenge newfound mobility.
Inside the book, you’ll learn—
- Upgrade your corrective toolbox: Passive, active and assisted stability and mobility corrections. pg.265
- Corrections for fundamental stability, static stability and dynamic stability. pg.267
- The three categories of posture used for stability corrections that are integral to developing a sensory experience and regaining functional stability. pg.270
- Steps to reduce confusion and improve efficiency when appraising rolling and developing this as a corrective strategy. pg.271
- The eight SFMA rolling patterns. pg.272
- Examples of stability corrections to improve postural control—using the half-kneeling, single-leg stance, quadruped, and single-leg deadlift positions as corrective exercises. pg.274
Advanced Corrective Strategies
Learn how to make corrective exercise an experience. This is how corrective exercise actually works in the human body, and the thorough discussion found in this chapter will teach you how to create this for your clientele. Using PNF, RNT, reverse patterning, conscious loading, resisted and self-limiting exercises, you’ll grasp the concept of the manageable mistake zone, and you’ll be able to use these ideas and techniques to stand out in your crowded professional field.
Inside the book, you’ll learn—
- Movement learning considerations—guidelines to help your clients pick up movements faster and to gain the full benefits of your corrective strategies. pg.281
- A corrective case study: Helping a newly pain-free patient return to competition in triathlons. pg.283
- Frameworks to help you consistently and efficiently tackle mobility and stability problems. pg.288
- Using the deadlift as a corrective exercise. pg.289
- Advanced corrective strategies: what to do when someone has the required mobility and stability, but still can’t perform a movement pattern. Reverse patterning, reactive neuromuscular training, conscious loading and resisted exercise examples. pg.292
“Once a decade a book comes out that you will keep reading, rereading, and crowding with notes until it falls apart. Then you buy a new copy and enthusiastically start over. In the 1990s it was Verkhoshansky and Siff’s Supertraining. In the 2000s McGill’s Ultimate Back. Enter the 2010s and Gray Cook’s Movement. It is a game-changer.” ~ Pavel Tsatsouline, author of Enter the Kettlebell! |
SFMA Introduction and Top-Tier Tests
Learn about the top-tier assessments of the SFMA, including the overlying considerations of functional versus dysfunctional and painful versus non-painful, the overriding criteria of the SFMA system.
Inside the book, you’ll learn—
- Mapping movement patterns. pg.110
- The SFMA criteria. pg.110
- The SFMA top-tier tests. pg.114
- The functional movement assessment results hierarchy—create clarity when formulating a treatment strategy. pg.114
- What information about movement is identified by the SFMA. pg.118
- The SFMA evaluation hierarchy: where the clinician should start, and the order in which to investigate issues. pg.120
- Provoking symptoms in patients to enable a more specific diagnosis—principles to guide you. pg.122
- How to perform the SFMA top-tier assessments: objectives, descriptions and tips for testing. pg.123
SFMA Assessment Breakout Descriptions and Flowcharts
The SFMA breakouts are covered in detail over 58 pages and 66 photographs inside Movement.
Inside the book, you’ll learn—
- Mobility problems. pg.134
- Stability problems. pg.134
- An explanation of the SFMA breakout flowcharts. pg.135
- The SFMA breakouts. pg.136
- Cervical spine movement pattern breakouts
- Upper extremity pattern breakouts
- Multi-segmental flexion breakouts
- Multi- segmental extension breakouts
- Lower body extension breakouts
- Upper body extension breakouts
- Multi-segmental rotation breakouts
- Hip rotation breakouts
- Tibial rotation breakouts
- Single-leg stance breakouts
- Vestibular and core breakouts
- Ankle breakouts
- Overhead deep squat breakouts
- Rolling breakouts
“Exercise and rehabilitation time is valuable—too valuable not to use a system. ~ Peyton Manning, Indianapolis Colts |
Introduction to Screening and Assessment
Understand the purpose of screening movement and learn how to recognize movement patterns in action.
Inside the book, you’ll learn—
- The problem with typical health care evaluation practices. pg19
- Why dysfunctional patterns remain even after injuries fully heal—for example, when people continue limping after a sprained ankle has healed. pg.20
- How to confirm if an intervention has been effective. pg. 20
- One rule to follow that will help you avoid wasting limited screening and assessing time. pg.21
- A possible reason major issues such as low back pain and school athlete injuries are on the rise despite increasing knowledge in the movement sciences. pg.21
- Distinguishing between systems and programs—the limitations of programs, and what makes systems more effective at solving problems. pg.22
- Where movement screens and assessments fit with medical, performance tests and biomechanical analyses. pg.23
- Which types of professionals should use FMS, and which should use the SFMA. pg.24
- What makes the SFMA different from the FMS. pg.24
- The functional approach to movement versus the anatomical approach to movement: an example of how a kinesiology approach can fail to find the real problem. pg.25
- Why many standardized prepackaged corrective exercises fail to create strength, integrity and competency. pg.26
- How pain impacts the rehabilitation process. pg.26
- One way of fixing valgus collapse in a lunge without verbal or visual cues. pg.26
- What to address before starting reactive drills. pg.27
- The factors that can cause mobility problems. pg.27
- Do tight hips cause back problems, or do back problems create hip tightness? See pg.27
- When you should stop balance drills, and what to do to get the ready again for the drill. pg.28
- What you should end each session with. pg.28
- The history of the FMS, its origin and development. pg.28
- Why changing the strength or flexibility of a particular body part doesn’t usually change movement quality. pg.30
- The five basic principles of functional movement systems logistics. pg.31
- The goals of the functional movement system, an overview. pg.32
“Gray Cook has the ability and charisma to reach any audience. Another WhizKid PT, Gray has singlehandedly changed coaches in every professional sport. Because of Gray, the Functional Movement Screen is now the gold standard screening tool in our industry.” ~ Michael Boyle, author of Advances in Functional Training |
Anatomical Science versus Functional Science
Inside the book, you’ll learn—
- What shunt muscles and spurt muscles are. pg.35
- Where kinesiology falls short—the chinup example. pg.35
- Why the common assumption that all long multi-joint muscles are movers and short dedicated muscles are stabilizers is wrong: the four roles of muscles within particular patterns. pg.37
- The correct way to train stabilizers, and how most people get this wrong. pg.37
- The central nervous system and bodily activities: the different systems in charge of explosive movement patterns, posture, alignment and integrity in the skeletal system. pg.38
- How poor muscle function can create joint stiffness. pg.38
- The role of ligaments and joint capsules—they do more than just protect and stabilize a joint. pg.39
- How breathing can be used to manage fatigue and dysfunction. pg.40
- A good indicator of compromised breathing. pg.41
- The three systems that work together to help us stay upright. pg.41
- Where most core stability training falls short. pg.43
- The effects of injury that can linger even after pain subsides. pg.43
- Is balance and neuromuscular control genetic? A non-athletic occupation group that exhibited great balance in laboratory testing. pg.44
- What many rehabilitation approaches fail to revisit. pg.45
- The three categories of movement dysfunction, when each occurs and which is the most manageable. pg.47
Movement also includes other great resources in the appendices that will help you as you learn and implement the Functional Movement System.
These include—
Michael Boyle’s The Joint-By-Joint Concept
- The specific primary function of the major joints in the body, from the bottom up
- Why the movement-pattern approach to training isn’t sufficient
- What may be causing knee pain, low back pain, and neck and shoulder pain—a joint-by-joint explanation
- The dangerous way most rotary exercises for the lumbar area have been done in the past
Gray Cook: Expanding on the Joint-By-Joint Approach
- 10 mobility and stability problems both sedentary and active people often experience
- What you should note before reading lumbar and core stability research
- The main point of the joint-by-joint discussion
- A case study: Gray’s approach if someone does the movement screen and has a great active straight-leg raise, shoulder mobility, pushup and rotary stability pattern, but has problems in standing, squat, hurdle steps and lunges
- How the brain and its information pathways work
- A common problem that patients with rolled ankles have
- Common problems in the foot, ankle, knee, hip and lower back
- What causes thoracic stiffness
- What tight hamstrings usually signals
- What other issues T-spine mobility problems can signal
- Why tight traps might signal the need for MORE stability work
- Where most people who sit in front of a computer or spend a lot of time driving are usually stiff
- The first joint Gray usually looks at when assessing a patient
- The problem most people make when training core stability that leads to more problems in the body
- The number one risk factor for a future injury
- Two underlying things that often aren’t addressed in rehabilitation
SFMA Score Sheets and Flowcharts
FMS Scoring Criteria, Score Sheet & Verbal Instructions
- The 10 FMS tests
- Scripts to use during each FMS screen showing you what to say to the client for consistency throughout all screens
- How many times to repeat each movement
Patient Self-Evaluation Forms
And more, covering—
- Breathing
- Heart rate variability (HRV)
- Core testing and functional goniometry
- Conventional deep squat evaluation process
About the Author
![Gray Cook](
Gray Cook consults with professional and university coaches and athletes, and teaches on various aspects of physical therapy, sports medicine and performance enhancement. He is the creator of the Functional Movement Screen, and is the author of Movement: Functional Movement Systems: Screening, Assessment, Corrective Strategies and Athletic Body in Balance, and is the creator of over a dozen DVD packages.
On Target Publications
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Gray Cook—
Movement Principles
A 7-page PDF transcript of a talk given by Gray at the CK-FMS 2013 conference. In it, he goes through—
- The difference between a principle and a method, and how this helps keep your focus on the goal of helping your client. pg.1
- How 0s and 1s on the FMS should inform your programming. pg.1
- Clear the confusion about the arguments surrounding the FMS by learning the 10 principles guiding the screening system. pg.1
- Are you moving poorly because you’re in pain, or are you in pain because you’re moving poorly? What to do to find out the answer. pg.2
- How to recover from a Grade I ankle sprain. pg.2
- Sprained your ankle? What muscle an ankle sprain can cause to shut down, and which FMS test will reveal if it has changed movement competency. pg.2
- Why Gray and Lee started developing the FMS back in 1995. pg.2
- The one thing that sets kettlebell organizations apart from the rest, and helps them reduce injuries and get people stronger, quicker. pg.3
- Is VO2 max overhyped? Why some athletes have great cardio on one platform, but can’t display the same performance on another. pg.3
- How to increase an elderly person’s endurance without doing cardio. pg.3
- A simple no-equipment test you can do while standing to see if you have the necessary strength to do a squat. pg.3
- Moving beyond physiology and biomechanics—the third piece of information that helps predict who is more likely to get injured. pg.3
- Which two movements you need to score 2s in the FMS before being cleared to deadlift. pg.4
- The clearest path if you want to get somebody deadlifting. pg.4
- Good exercises to help people relearn correct shoulder movement. pg.4
- The important difference between corrective exercise and rehabilitation. pg.4
- How kids learn to throw balls, run and ride bikes. And how you can use the same principles to learn and relearn movement patterns. pg.5
- Gray’s performance pyramid: How to improve sports skills by working on the underlying qualities the skills are built upon. pg. 5-6
- What to work if the lunge is really bad and everything else is good. pg.6
- Which pattern to work on to improve the ability to cut, turn and decelerate on the field or on the court. pg.6
- Which FMS test can reveal problems in running mechanics. pg.6
- The alignment cue mistake most people make when trying to stay tall. pg.6
- Do not add a corrective if you’re not willing to do this. pg.7
Gray Cook—
Reconsidering the Way We Look at Movement
A 30-page PDF transcript of a talk given by Gray at the VCU School of Medicine. In it, he goes through—
- The number one risk factor for injury
- Why a lot of patients who are discharged pain-free from rehabilitation are still at risk of future injury
- The second biggest risk factor for future injury
- One of the biggest signs that an athlete is at risk of an ACL injury
- Harnessing the power of both manipulative therapy techniques and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
- What rehabilitation clinicians don’t do enough of that stops them from coming up with better injury-prevention solutions for their patients
- Surviving as a therapist in the era of Direct Access—the referral sources of the future: Start aligning yourself with these people if you want to thrive
- Should a different movement screen exist for special populations like the young or the elderly?
- Why workouts from decades ago produced people who moved remarkably well
- The ‘duck walk’ exercise that military drill instructors used to prevent soldiers from getting low back pain, shin splints and stress fractures
- The non-combat related injury that causes more United States Naval forces to be evacuated than gunshot-related wounds
- The mistake many clinicians and coaches make when trying to help someone who’s having difficulty with an exercise
- One of Gray’s favorite tricks when working with NFL players that helps reveal underlying issues
- What you should check before conducting stability tests for the lower back
- How to improve the vertical jump in 30 minutes, without coaching
- What often matters more than jump height in sports like basketball
- Have we been teaching the squat wrong all this time? See pg.14 for a counterintuitive way to teach the squat
- The three different categories of movement appraisal, what they are, and when you should use each
Gray Cook—
Reactive Neuromuscular Training
In this 60-minute MP3 audio recording, accompanied by a 12-page PDF transcript, Gray goes through—
- What reactive neuromuscular training is. pg.1
- Why your grip may appear to get weaker on the upper part of a bottom-up kettlebell press. pg.1
- Where the center of mass of the human body is normally located. pg.2
- Why bottoms-up kettlebell moves are more difficult to execute than normal kettlebell moves. pg.2
- When you should think about using Reactive Neuromuscular Training (RNT) in your programs. pg.2-3
- The problem with the majority of strength-and-conditioning programs. pg.3
- How RNT fits with mobility work. pg.3-4
- What Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) is. pg.4
- PNF techniques to increase range of motion and get the brain to better control movement. pg.4
- What you can learn about training from the rehabilitation process of brain injury patients. pg.4-5
- Why some people can do a heavy loaded squat, but can’t do a proper bodyweight squat. pg.5
- Why we typically make the greatest strength gains during the first six weeks of training a new movement pattern. pg.5-6
- How Gray improved a group’s vertical jump by an inch within one session without refining jumping techniques or doing any jump training. pg.6-8
- The untraditional oscillating technique Gray used to help a patient rehabilitate his sprained ankle in time for a major ski trip. pg. 9-10
- Two things that distort motor control and inhibit movement. pg.10
- How the Functional Movement Screen came to be. pg.12
You’ll also get excerpts of the books and articles referenced in the recording, including—
- Michael Voight and Gray Cook: Clinical Application of Closed Kinetic Chain Exercise—a 20-page PDF article from the Journal of Sport Rehabilitation
- Gray Cook: Early Perspectives and the Jump Study—an 8-page PDF excerpt from Movement
- Michael Voight and Gray Cook: Impaired Neuromuscular Control: Reactive Neuromuscular Training—a 31-page PDF excerpt
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If you’re looking for the missing puzzle piece to help protect your clients from future injury and to eliminate the roadblocks that hold them back from greater performance, you’ll find Gray Cook’s Functional Movement System detailed inside the Movement book invaluable.
Inside you’ll discover a system that not only helps screen and assess an individual’s movement quality, but also a system that helps you identify the exact corrective strategies they need to protect themselves from injury and to move better.
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