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The complete system you need to enhance movement and reduce injury risk


Clinicians, coaches and trainers all share the same goal: getting the human body to function at its peak with minimum risk of injury.

Yet, two major problems often hold these professions back from achieving this shared goal.

Problem #1: Not taking into account an individual’s quality of movement

Healthcare and fitness practitioners often neglect fundamental movement, paying too much attention to the surface view.

A surgeon, a physician and a physical therapist see problems through eyes biased by their training. One sees a surgical solution based on structure; one considers which medication to manage pain and inflammation, while the other looks for mechanical issues to rehabilitate.

Coaches and trainers, on the other hand, often focus on fitness and performance without first screening for movement dysfunctions that might cause movement compromises or predispositions to injury.

Across these professions, fundamental movement often isn’t brought into the conversation on the same level as other issues that are qualified and quantified in exercise and rehabilitation.

This leaves people open to risk of injury, pain and performance inefficiencies that could otherwise be avoided.

Problem #2: Not having a common language to communicate with each other

Coaches, trainers and clinicians have different skillsets, different areas of expertise, and different educational backgrounds. But because they treat the same clients, they must be able to effectively communicate with each other.

In the absence of a common language, these different professions often speak past each other to the detriment of the client.

If you’re a trainer, strength coach, physical therapist, chiropractor or clinician whose clients trust you to get them performing at their best, you need to overcome these two problems. To do so, you need to have a system for evaluating and improving movement quality, and a common language you use to communicate with other professionals.

In Movement, Gray Cook outlines a movement system aimed at solving these problems. This system is now being used across the world in NFL teams, NHL teams, the military, universities, and countless other clinics and training centers.

This system provides a standard operating procedure and a common language for movement-pattern screening, assessment and correction in fitness and rehabilitation. It will allow you to better identify potential risks, and to create better rehabilitation and exercise programs based on each person’s unique movement profile.

If you’ve ever wanted to—

… then Gray’s Functional Movement System outlined in Movement may be just what you need.

Movement is like a college course in the missing piece of the performance and rehabilitation puzzle you never learned in school.

Let’s take a look at what you’ll find inside the book.

Topics Covered In Movement

Understanding Human Movement

You will learn how to use screening, testing and assessment to classify movement proficiency or deficiency. You’ll also learn the differences between the two systems, the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) and the Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA).

Inside the book, you’ll learn—

“We have integrated many of Gray Cook’s movement principles and corrective strategies into our programs to help accomplish our mission of preserving and maintaining the Commander’s combat power.

The FMS screening and assessment tools are very useful in establishing the baseline for our performance training system.”

~ Mike Strock, US NAVY, Human Performance Consultant

Screening Movement

Where in your intake process should you screen? Can you screen an injured client or athlete? Movement will show you where to place movement screening in your existing business model, and where your program structure might be improved.

Inside the book, you’ll learn—

“I used the Functional Movement Screen in my work with training professional football players, and you can use it for your work with hearty athletes, personal training clients and rehabilitation patients as well. It’s that versatile, that effective and that appealing.

Everything we did at the Indianapolis Colts is built on a Functional Movement Screen base—it’s the foundation of the program.”

~ Jon Torine, Former Strength and Conditioning Coach, Indianapolis Colts

Functional Movement Systems and Movement Patterns

What is the FMS? And how is it different from the SFMA? In Movement, you’ll learn about both the systems, and will finish with an appreciation of primitive and higher-level movement patterns.

Inside the book, you’ll learn—

“I was skeptical when Gray and Lee first took me through the screening process. But by bringing out my weak spots, this honest evaluation told them exactly what I needed to work on.

They taught me to think of my body in a different way, proving trainers and therapists don’t need fancy equipment to do a good evaluation.”

~ Michelle Wie, Professional Golfer

The Functional Movement Screen (FMS)

You’ll learn in detail the seven basic screens that make up the FMS, including where to stand during screening, what to watch for during the movements and how to plan your modifications. You’ll get a description of each screen, the purpose of each, tips for testing, possible causes of issues and photographs showing how to score each test.

You’ll also learn how to modify the movement screen for special populations such as the morbidly obese, seniors and those with medical restrictions.

Analyzing Movements in Screens and Assessments

You’ll learn how to analyze the various test results. Using the tests of the Functional Movement Screen as the base, you’ll discover what mistakes most beginners make in screening, how to distinguish between stability and mobility problems, and how to determine asymmetries. Here you’ll also get your first introduction to reverse patterning (RP) and reactive neuromuscular training (RNT), two of the primary corrective tools of the Functional Movement Systems arsenal.

Inside the book, you’ll learn—

“Gray Cook has changed things. You might not know it, but things are different now. I’ve been in sports since LBJ was in office, and I’ve been wondering something for a long time: What’s wrong? Yep, that’s it. Why does this hurt when I do that? How come I can’t just do X? Gray has the answer in his new book, Movement.

Right from the start, he tells me what I’ve been doing wrong for way too long: First move well, and then move often. His performance pyramid alone is worth the time and energy to read the book. But my favorite part of the text is idea of self-limiting activities.

It’s not a cure-all section, but, for me, it was a blueprint to think about exercise in a whole new light: something that actually moves while working on the quality of movement. If you understand what I wrote, bless you. Otherwise, read the section!

I keep expanding my “Must Have” Library. Tommy Kono’s book? Check. Keys to Progress? Check. Boyle’s new book on exercise? Check. Cerutty on Training? Check. Power to the People and Return of the Kettlebell? Check and Check. Check out Cook’s new book.

Push your bookends out a little wider. It’s a keeper.

~ Dan John, author of Never Let Go

Understanding Corrective Strategies

What do you do with the resulting screen and assessment information? You’ll learn about the performance pyramid and how to use it to form corrective strategies. Understanding the differences between correct and corrective exercises, between challenging versus difficult, and having a selection of self-limiting exercises in your exercise menu will give you confidence as you assign and program exercises.

Inside the book, you’ll learn—

“Gray’s premise is beautiful in its simplicity: Training movement can fix muscles, but training muscles rarely fixes movement. Since all of sport is movement, his 80/20 approach is then astounding in its effectiveness.

For the time invested, the FMS and its cousins are the best tools I’ve seen for producing bullet-proof athletes and pain-free non-athletes in record time.”

~ Tim Ferriss, author of the #1 NY Times bestseller, The 4-Hour Workweek

Developing Corrective Strategies

Now that you’ve discovered dysfunctional patterns in your clients, athletes and patients, learn how to develop the right corrective strategies with the help of the three primary categories of mobility, stability and movement-pattern retraining. You’ll get comparisons of conditioning and corrective exercise, movement prep and movement correction, skill training and corrective prioritization, and will understand when each is appropriate.

Inside the book, you’ll learn—

Building the Corrective Framework

You’ll get a six-item checklist for your corrective decisions. Even though every person’s movement is unique, with this framework, your corrective path will be clearer. You’ll also become familiar with the basic structure involving special considerations and populations that may make up part of your client or patient base.

Inside the book, you’ll learn—

The application of the principles contained in this book has changed the lives of many people—real world people I see every day in my clinic. People who have suffered in pain for years now have their quality of life restored because of the applied principles in this book.

“Movement was a paradigm shift for me as a clinician. Gray opened my eyes to the wonders of human movement and the systems necessary for understanding it. This was the system I had been searching for when determining why people were getting injured, and why their pain syndromes kept returning.

People asked, “Why does my pain keep coming back?” and I never had an answer. That is… until I discovered Movement.

~ Dr. Perry Nickelston

Movement Pattern Corrections

Build on your knowledge of basic mobility and stability corrections and movement-pattern retraining. Using passive, active and assistive techniques, you’ll be able to help your clients, athletes and patients recover lost mobility. Learn about stability and motor control, transitional postures and how to use facilitation techniques such as reactive neuromuscular training to challenge newfound mobility.

Inside the book, you’ll learn—

Advanced Corrective Strategies

Learn how to make corrective exercise an experience. This is how corrective exercise actually works in the human body, and the thorough discussion found in this chapter will teach you how to create this for your clientele. Using PNF, RNT, reverse patterning, conscious loading, resisted and self-limiting exercises, you’ll grasp the concept of the manageable mistake zone, and you’ll be able to use these ideas and techniques to stand out in your crowded professional field.

Movement Typesetting

Inside the book, you’ll learn—

“Once a decade a book comes out that you will keep reading, rereading, and crowding with notes until it falls apart. Then you buy a new copy and enthusiastically start over.

In the 1990s it was Verkhoshansky and Siff’s Supertraining. In the 2000s McGill’s Ultimate Back. Enter the 2010s and Gray Cook’s Movement. It is a game-changer.”

~ Pavel Tsatsouline, author of Enter the Kettlebell!

SFMA Introduction and Top-Tier Tests

Learn about the top-tier assessments of the SFMA, including the overlying considerations of functional versus dysfunctional and painful versus non-painful, the overriding criteria of the SFMA system.

Inside the book, you’ll learn—

SFMA Assessment Breakout Descriptions and Flowcharts

The SFMA breakouts are covered in detail over 58 pages and 66 photographs inside Movement.

Inside the book, you’ll learn—

“Exercise and rehabilitation time is valuable—too valuable not to use a system.
Gray Cook’s Movement uses a systematic approach to exercise and rehabilitation built on the fundamentals of authentic human movement.”

~ Peyton Manning, Indianapolis Colts

Introduction to Screening and Assessment

Understand the purpose of screening movement and learn how to recognize movement patterns in action.

Inside the book, you’ll learn—

“Gray Cook has the ability and charisma to reach any audience. Another WhizKid PT, Gray has singlehandedly changed coaches in every professional sport.

Because of Gray, the Functional Movement Screen is now the gold standard screening tool in our industry.”

~ Michael Boyle, author of Advances in Functional Training

Anatomical Science versus Functional Science

Inside the book, you’ll learn—


Movement also includes other great resources in the appendices that will help you as you learn and implement the Functional Movement System.

These include—

Michael Boyle’s The Joint-By-Joint Concept


Gray Cook: Expanding on the Joint-By-Joint Approach


SFMA Score Sheets and Flowcharts


FMS Scoring Criteria, Score Sheet & Verbal Instructions


Patient Self-Evaluation Forms



And more, covering—

About the Author
Gray Cook

Gray Cook consults with professional and university coaches and athletes, and teaches on various aspects of physical therapy, sports medicine and performance enhancement. He is the creator of the Functional Movement Screen, and is the author of Movement: Functional Movement Systems: Screening, Assessment, Corrective Strategies and Athletic Body in Balance, and is the creator of over a dozen DVD packages.

On Target Publications

PLUS more bonuses only when you buy from On Target Publications!

Gray Cook—
Movement Principles


A 7-page PDF transcript of a talk given by Gray at the CK-FMS 2013 conference. In it, he goes through—

Gray Cook—
Reconsidering the Way We Look at Movement


A 30-page PDF transcript of a talk given by Gray at the VCU School of Medicine. In it, he goes through—

Gray Cook—
Reactive Neuromuscular Training


In this 60-minute MP3 audio recording, accompanied by a 12-page PDF transcript, Gray goes through—

You’ll also get excerpts of the books and articles referenced in the recording, including—


It’s simple: Try the entire Movement book out and see for yourself. If you’ve implemented what you’ve learned in the book, and still feel it hasn’t made you a better coach or trainer, we insist that you get 100% of your money back.


This guarantee is extended for a full YEAR, which means you get plenty of time to put what you’ve learned into practice, and judge by the improved results it’ll get your clients.

We want you to know that we stand confidently behind our products and truly believe that they will help you become a better coach or trainer, and get your clients the results they deserve.

So why not grab a copy today – you’ve got absolutely nothing to risk, and everything to gain as a coach or trainer.

Get Your Copy Today

If you’re looking for the missing puzzle piece to help protect your clients from future injury and to eliminate the roadblocks that hold them back from greater performance, you’ll find Gray Cook’s Functional Movement System detailed inside the Movement book invaluable.

Inside you’ll discover a system that not only helps screen and assess an individual’s movement quality, but also a system that helps you identify the exact corrective strategies they need to protect themselves from injury and to move better.

Click the ‘ORDER’ button below to buy now:

