Greg Dea

Greg Dea is a freelance Performance Sports Physiotherapist who counts the 2015 FIVB World Cup winning China Women’s Volleyball team among his charges. Greg holds the Australian Physiotherapy Association title of Sports Physiotherapist. This is a protected title, with strict post-graduate education requirements, including experience, expertise and examinations in Sports Physiotherapy. He currently consults at Virtus Human Performance on the Mornington Peninsula of Melbourne, Australia. Greg also served two years as head physiotherapist and sports medicine coordinator at the Northern Territory Football Club, a semi-professional Australian Football Club. During that time, the Australian Football Club achieved record-breaking premiership cup success and were finalists the second year. Greg has also served in various positions in Australian and British Defence Force environments in Australia, England and Germany, and private practice clinics in Australia.



Habits of Great Coaches

The best place to keep up with Greg is via his Facebook page.  His new book is called Return to Field Sports Running Manual, which you can find below.