Gray Cook Lecture Compendium Book

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This is a complete set of Gray Cook’s recorded audio lectures, collected and reformatted into an audio OR edited transcript ebook. If you would like to order BOTH formats, put both items in your shopping cart. A 10% discount will automatically be applied.



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This is only available in digital download as either an audio book OR an ebook. If you would like to order BOTH formats, put both items in your shopping cart. A 10% discount will automatically be applied.
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This is a complete set of Gray Cook’s recorded live lectures, collected and reformatted into an audio book or ebook. You can toggle between audio book and ebook above. If you’ve ordered his OTP audio lectures before, you already have this material, although not in this format.

This COMPLETE Gray Cook lecture audio book or ebook includes the following individual lectures (price for all would be $99.10):

Section 1: A Paradigm Shift

Revisiting Athletic Body in Balance
In this talk, Gray discusses the important points he made in the book Athletic Body in Balance, and follows that with what changes or additions he’d make if he were to re-write the book now, 10 years later.

“What I want to do on the 10-year anniversary of Athletic Body in Balance is tell you what’s happened since I wrote the book, and if I were to re-write it today, what additions I would make. You might also wonder what deletions I might make.

“Let’s first do a recap, starting with the title, Athletic Body in Balance. Every philosophy that stood the test of time preaches balance. Some preach it from a standpoint of moderation. Some preach it from a standpoint of perspective and are continually adjusting the different forces in the environment that are shaping and developing you each day. To this day, I go around the world preaching a red flag strategy.

“The entire secret sauce in my career and in my influence is because I haven’t been pulled into the hypothetical debates of “Is this better than this?” in a situation where there’s a red flag or a horrendous imbalance. ~Gray Cook

Developing A Movement Philosophy
Anatomy and kinesiology are important and you need to know it well, but what comes next? Do you then understand the system that governs movement? In this lecture, physical therapist Gray describes the brain, muscle and joint input and output, and explains how all these come together to drive Movement Correctives. He then tells us how to identify the driver of poor movement quality, and how to balance correction with stress in order to improve movement quality as well as physical performance.

“What is the driver of bad movement? Does it start in the brain? Does it start in the muscles? Does it start in the joints? Is it part of a spinal cord reflex? Unless we identify the driver, we’re not going to make much change.”~Gray Cook

The Psychology of Movement
Here’s where you can spend a half-hour with Gray  as he develops his thinking about the mental aspect of discovering and working through movement issues.

“When we find something that should otherwise be basic that’s nearly impossible for you to do—like balance on one foot, deep squat or move in a particular plane of motion where you should have plenty of mobility but it’s difficult for you—the evaluation or discovery of this brings it up to a conscious level. However, once it’s been at a conscious level and trained, we must quickly get away from that conscious level of training.” ~Gray Cook

A different from his normal lectures, in this short session, Gray talks about professionalism…how we can think and behave in ways the reflect well toward our peers and our clients.

“A mentorship is over whenever you decide you’re done, when your mentor leaves the room or if you break up the relationship, but that doesn’t mean you’ve completed a mentorship. That doesn’t mean you’ve ingested everything the mentor has to teach you. It just means that due to time or financial constraints, you’re no longer in the presence of this person, but you’re going to drop the mentor’s name in your future business dealings because you’ve been exposed to somebody who’s noteworthy.

“An apprenticeship is over when you’re really good at what you’re studying. That’s when the apprenticeship is over. I think we can be ‘apprenticed’ by people or by a framework laid down by someone. It’s very important to have that framework. I want to talk about Don Miguel Ruiz’s Four Agreements as a professional framework.” ~Gray Cook

Schooling Vs Education
In this talk, Gray discusses the difference between schooling and education, and explains why we need to participate in both.

“There’s a practical application that cannot be delivered via a lecture or demonstration. At some point, your sleeves go up. You have to get your hands dirty. You have to risk the embarrassment of making a mistake when you’re the only one to blame.” ~Gray Cook

Section 2: Concepts in Mobility and Stability Correctives

What’s Behind A Mobility Problem?
Listen in as Gray considers the various ways a mobility problem might begin, and some of the best ways to combat these problems, depending on the underlying cause.

“I believe there are two reasons why a mobility problem can persist despite many attempts to remedy it. The mobility problem is either reinforced by a behavior or it is not challenged at all. If it is reinforced, it has no reason to go away. If it is not challenged at all, it becomes part of the background and goes unnoticed for years.

“Obviously, somebody who’s been extremely sedentary and has avoided physical activity could have numerous mobility problems. Unless those mobility problems were the result of a permanent structural change, a change in the activity level and in the environment should beg for a change in the organism—the physical presence of more mobility, more function and more movement.” ~Gray Cook

What’s The Big Deal about The Toe Touch?
When Gray says he doesn’t let people deadlift if they can’t touch their toes, what’s the reason? Is it that big of a deal? Here we get to listen to him tell the story of the toe touch — why he cares, what he’s looking at and how he fixes it.

“When people encounter people who can’t touch their toes, they assume they know why they can’t do it. It must be those tight hamstrings, because that’s exactly what they complain of on a toe touch. Whether your hamstrings are the problem or not, you’re always going to feel your hamstrings on a toe touch. They’ll feel tight, but isn’t a muscle that’s contracting at the same time it’s stretching always going to feel tight?

What if your weight shift is inappropriate? What if you lean too far forward and don’t have a posterior weight shift backward? Wouldn’t it be the job of your hamstrings to say, ‘If we let you go all the way down, you’re going to wind up busting your nose on the floor? We’re going to contract even though you would prefer we didn’t because we’re going to save you from a mild concussion’?” ~Gray Cook

Isolation–It’s Totally Natural
Isolating Movement Patterns clarifies the difference between isolating a body part or a pattern. Gray then gives examples of how he uses that difference to work toward success. What’s the difference between bridging, activating the glute and half-kneeling work? Listen in as he explains.

“Let me take you back to the neurodevelopmental sequence. The rolling, creeping, crawling, kneeling, squatting, stepping and standing babies go through is a natural isolation, but it’s not the kind of isolation we do when we ask for specific sets and repetitions in a region of the body. So many of the muscles don’t do in real life what the kinesiology book says they do.” ~Gray Cook

Self-Limiting Exercise
In this lecture, Gray explains the thinking behind the concept of self-limiting exercise, tells how the idea came to be, and gives examples you can immediately begin to use yourself or with your clients.

“Self-limiting exercise exposes you to a level of technical precision that will not let you participate in greater levels of volume or intensity without greater levels of precision. The greater levels of precision are, in fact, protective because the greater levels of precision perpetuate better alignment, better coordination, better motor control and better attention to detail.” ~Gray Cook

VCU Physical Therapy Lecture—Reconsidering the Way We Look at Movement
This lecture on a modern physical therapy program was recorded live at the VCU School of Medicine Physical Therapy department, during which he outlined his hope for the future of physical therapy and strength and athletic training programs. When should we seek medical attention; when should we prescribe or practice corrective exercise? Do we have a checklist, or is there one on the horizon?

“What I want to do—more like a philosophical situation—is to try to deconstruct a lot of the opinions we have about words like function, testing, screening and assessment. I want to see if we can pull them out of what we’re doing, polish them off, clean them up a little, reinsert them and see if what we’re doing maybe looks a little different.”~Gray Cook

Section 3: Exercise and Clinical Relevance

The 3 Rs
Here Gray Cook explains the concept of resetting, reinforcing, then reloading, and tells us why it’s a mistake to get these in the wrong order. This talk will also give you an idea of the difference between the FMS and the SFMA, and how the same exercises can be used for different results depending on the situation.

“When we find dysfunctional movement either in the screen or the SFMA, we don’t just see that as substandard biomechanics where we’re forced to compensate because a body part doesn’t move. When a body part doesn’t move well, it also imparts impaired sensory information into the system. You don’t feel the same way, so you don’t move the same way. Don’t just think about it as an output problem. It’s an input problem.” ~Gray Cook

Reactive Neuromuscular Training—RNT
You’ve heard of reactive neuromuscular training, but do you really know what it means — How it was created and what is its purpose? Here Gray explains how RNT came to be used, and his thinking behind reactive neuromuscular training.

“There’s a scenario when movement quality is poor where RNT can significantly speed up the corrective and the functional training processes when it comes to movement quality and integrity. In doing so, it will also create a sound base for strength training, sport-specific training, endurance, speed, agility, quickness and power.

“When your subconscious and the subtle timing of your stabilizers create joint integrity, joint alignment and fascial tension balance the forces around the joint, maintain the axis of the joint and simply juice integrity of the system, the prime movers have no choice but to perform better.~Gray Cook

Duke University Physical Therapy Student Q&A
In this two-hour session, Gray visits with the first- & second-year physical therapy students at Duke University to give them an impression of possible clinical experiences to come, and to answer their questions.

“Do you think insurance is ever going to give physical therapist yearly musculoskeletal checkups for the general population? If you prove to insurance you’re going to save them money, they will gladly shell out for you to do physicals on people who aren’t in pain or aren’t complaining.

“It’s very refreshing to work on patients who aren’t angry, in pain or in fear. I’m not saying you won’t have to deal with this. I want you to learn the art of dealing with that, but it’s absolutely refreshing to be on the prevention end. That’s the difference between screening and assessment.” ~Gray Cook

IFOMPT Keynote Address
The 2012 International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists Conference was held in Quebec in October 2012. Gray was a keynote speaker.

“In physical therapy when we’re dealing with people from birth to three years of age, we don’t obsess with a goniometer and a manual muscle test. We look at developmental milestones. As long as a child meets that window—as long as children are crawling, rolling and standing by a certain age— because they made the milestone, we don’t obsess on the minute details and impairments. They did it in their own ways, yet they still fit some degree of normalcy.

“If those milestones help us successfully manage, treat and diagnose from birth to three, what happens to those milestones when we’re managing people beyond age three?” ~Gray Cook

Please click here if you would prefer the individual audio lectures in a discounted bundle price, or click the links above if you’d like to pick up single lectures.


Gray Cook consults with professional and university coaches and athletes, and teaches on various aspects of physical therapy, sports medicine and performance enhancement. His over-riding philosophy is that movement professionals must first understand human movement patterns. He’s the author of Movement: Functional Movement Systems: Screening, Assessment, Corrective Strategies and Athletic Body in Balance and the creator of over a dozen DVD packages. His two main websites are and