Posts tagged "coaching"

Dan John: Old Drills Reborn—Training Programs for “Everybody Else”
Thirty seconds on? I can do that. Thirty seconds off? Definitely. For thirty minutes? Say what? Dan John has some ideas that may convince you to add classi...

Gray Cook: Coddled Conditioning
Is conditioning incompatible with coddling? Gray Cook thinks so: your clients shouldn’t always get their way. They should get what they need.

Dan John: Six Decades of Competition
Dan John recounts his 60 years of competition and shares his mistakes, his successes and his inspirations along the way.

Gray Cook: Don’t Rush the Movement Learning Process
During the first four weeks of strength training, your cellular metabolism and cellular structure don’t change. What happens? Movement learning happens . . . if you give it time.

Charlie Weingroff: High Threshold Strategy
High threshold strategies are necessary . . . but when? Charlie Weingroff discusses the issues that can result from incorrectly bracing for strength.

Dan John: The Art of Coaching
Sure, there’s a science of coaching . . . But for Dan John, the art of coaching is what gets results: The art of making people think what they need to do is what they want to do.

Dan John: Principles of Training for the Russian Kettlebell Certification (RKC) Preparation Program
“It’s not where you start, it’s where you finish.” Dan John gives you the small, but important additions that lead to a successful Russian Kettlebell Certification experience.

Dan John: Olympic Lifting—Etching vs Reaction
Athletes live in transitions. Dan John differentiates between when those transitions should be reactive and when they should be etched—as in Olympic lifting.

Dan John: My Game Changers
What were the game-changing events in Dan John’s life? One thing’s for sure: Dan’s game changers are all about performance!

Chris Holder: The Art of Communication (for Coaching and Beyond)
If you want to be a great coach, you need to be a great communicator. Chris Holder guides you on errors that can easily be corrected to better convey your knowledge to your athletes.

Chris Holder: Turning Speed
Changing direction with speed and agility is a ‘symphony’ of athleticism – Chris Holder discusses the vital importance of turning speed and how he coaches it to his teams’ advan...