Posts tagged "coaching"

Glenn Pendlay: Strength Training is a Process, Not an Event
Spreadsheets are great for developing percentage-based strength training programs, but Glenn Pendlay wonders if they change how we view the training experi...

Dave Whitley: Kettlebell Wrist Position and Grip
Iron Tamer Dave Whitley talks kettlebell wrist position, pain compliance and why ‘goosenecking’ is a good thing for your rack, press and getup.

Guy Massi: Differentiated Instruction, Learning Styles and Learning Disorders
In this informative primer on learning styles and learning disorders, Guy Massi gives you tips on being more aware of your client’s learning needs as part of your differentiated instr...

Charlie Weingroff and Mark Cheng: Touch the Wall Drill
Drs. Weingroff and Cheng cover a quick and easy drill to make sure your hip hinge is where it needs to be: as far back as your anatomy and flexibility will allow.

Dan John: Training Economics
People are always trying to sell you a magic pill to get you leaner, faster, stronger. The truth is, as far as training is concerned, a long-term vision is far better.

Dan John: Three Secrets of Performance
Dan John spills his three secrets of performance and plays a language game to ensure that your clients are truly understanding what you tell them.

Chris Holder: Mentoring Young Coaches
Chris Holder speaks from experience as he explains the how to (and how not to) do your job mentoring young coaches into successful coaches.

John Berardi: The Coaching Compliance Solution
Nutrition coaching expert John Berardi talks about evaluating coaching compliance from the tough clients, the clients who leave you gnashing your teeth.

Chris Holder: Training Failure – When to Push Young Athletes and When to Wait
From a coaching perspective, you never want to see your athlete fail . . . but many young athletes seemingly set themselves up for training failure. Chris Holder looks at a few reasons ...

Josh Hillis: The Fat Loss Happens on Monday Coaching System
Josh Hillis provides details and guidance on coaching for fat loss, including why the habit-based approach of coaching how to eat, instead of what to eat, is so effective.

Chris Holder: Breaking Down Coaching Instruction
Coaching is an art form. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Chris Holder breaks down coaching instruction to uncover what makes great coaches . . . great.