Posts tagged "Dan John"

Dan John: Wandering Weights, Our Epic Journey Through All Things Heavy, Issue # 17
I've had a busy few days. It was Finals Week, and I always fear some last-minute issues with my students. I check my phone and email far too often as t...

Dan John: Wandering Weights, Our Epic Journey Through All Things Heavy, Issue # 16
I like to declutter. No matter how good I am about keeping a lid on things, stuff piles up. I took a course years ago on organization and two things stood out: 1. Most of &ldqu...

Dan John’s Four Quadrants [Infographic]
This infographic is a fabulous overview of Dan John's Quadrants concept. A quick review will help you decide how far you want to dive into this effective workout programming idea.

Dan John: Wandering Weights, Our Epic Journey Through All Things Heavy, Issue # 15
The Oscars were last night. I was reminded of a good lesson as I watched: I'd put Lady Gaga aside as just another pop star in a long line of “Here today, gone tomorrow&rd...

Dan John: Wandering Weights, Our Epic Journey Through All Things Heavy, Issue # 14
I find it hard to believe that Saturday Night Live is forty years old. I watched the first episode because George Carlin was on it. The first show was basically some stand-up comedy and...

Dan John: Wandering Weights, Our Epic Journey Through All Things Heavy, Issue # 13
If you want to coach or if you want to be an elite athlete, you must learn through the mistakes—and successes—of others. My buddy Grey played 13 seasons in the NFL...

Dan John: Wandering Weights, Our Epic Journey Through All Things Heavy, Issue # 12
Well, the Super Bowl was worthy of the name and I enjoyed watching the game. The commercials were good, but a bunch of them were downers. Halftime was whatever the Super Bowl halftime h...

Dan John: Wandering Weights, Our Epic Journey Through All Things Heavy, Issue # 11
I almost didn’t get to this. I was in my garage checking the amount of air in my footballs. Speaking of football, we don’t have many games left this season. Alas. So, we look forwar...

Dan John: Wandering Weights, Our Epic Journey Through All Things Heavy, Issue # 10
Playoffs! As I type this, I'm going to ask nicely, “Do you all understand that the field goal is three points closer to losing?” I won’t say, “Hey...

Dan John: Wandering Weights, Our Epic Journey Through All Things Heavy, Issue # 9
Wow, football season is almost over. I really enjoy the game. For off-season training, I think you should watch this. Now, spend the rest of your day UNwatching it! Ever...

Dan John: Wandering Weights, Our Epic Journey Through All Things Heavy, Issue # 8
Ah, the New Year’s resolutions are tumbling down around us like leaves in autumn. It’s a rare year that I don’t get asked a hundred questions about training and diet j...