Posts tagged "Dan John"
Never Let Go Excerpt
Never Let Go Dan John, Systematic Education for Lifters Excerpt, pages 89-96 It happens every time I write an article or give a workshop. Someone asks me, ...

Olympic Lifting for Beginners DVD Video Clips
Dan John’s Olympic Lifting for Beginners Workshop DVD In this clip from his Olympic Lifting for Beginners DVD, Dan discusses wrist flexibility. And here Dan teaches his pulling t...

Dan John Barbell Complexes Video Clips
Dan John is known as the “warmup is the workout” guy, and in this Warmups, Workouts & Barbell Complexes video, he shows us why. The extras from this video also include...

Perfecting Your Kettlebell Form Video Clips
Dan John’s Perfecting Your Kettlebell Form Workshop DVD Here Dan discusses the Kalos Sthenos Turkish getup, demonstrated by Josh Vert. In this clip from his new kettlebell DVD , ...

A Philosophy of Strength Training DVD Video Clips
Dan John’s A Philosophy of Strength Training Workshop Video In this clip Dan discusses the role of strength in competitive athletics. Here he answers a question on goal setting f...

Intervention DVD Video Clips
From Dan John’s Intervention workshop dvd In the turmoil of Dan’s Intervention seminar, as we filmed for DVD, I took in… pretty much nothing. Later, I listened as the att...

Dan John: Intervention Audio Book Excerpt
Intervention: Course Corrections for the Athlete and Trainer Dan John, reading Chapter One In the late ’60s, Dave Draper hunkered down in a studio for a couple of weeks to read so...

Let Dan John motivate you on the way to the gym!
In the late ’60s, Dave Draper hunkered down in a studio for a couple of weeks to read some kind of training information product for Joe Weider. The recording was never released, b...

Let me give you a taste of Perform Better Long Beach 2012
What a fabulous trip to Perform Better! The filming went without flaw, thanks to the great talent of Gray Cook, Lee Burton and Thom Plummer, with Dan John, Mark Cheng, Chris Poirier and...