Posts tagged "Functional Movement Screen"

Gray Cook: Sequence of Core Firing
What’s your corrective strategy to get proper core firing? From rolling to crawling, Gray Cook gives his program to get everything firing in the right or...

Chuck Wolf: Discovering the “Whys” of Injury
Fitness professionals do well with the "whats, whens and hows" of program design. Chuck Wolf considers the importance and priority of understanding the “whys” of injury.

Zac Cupples: Continuing Education—The Complete Guide to Mastery
Continuing Education classes are an investment that you should use to their full potential. Zac Cupples cuts through the content and shares his secrets for course preparation and inform...

Gray Cook and Erwan Le Corre: The Benefits of Self-Limiting Exercise
Self-limiting exercise is often difficult, but that may just be what produces authentic movement. Gray Cook and Erwan LeCorre demonstrate with simple balance beam exercises.

Mark Cheng: Cues and Tips for Sphinx Position Drills
With proper cuing, the sphinx position is perfect for core stability progressions and can help identify asymmetries. Mark Cheng makes it easy for you.

Alwyn Cosgrove: Getting Stability from Glute Firing
Core weakness? Or are the glutes not firing? Alwyn Cosgrove uses the Functional Movement Screen to identify dysfunctional problems and program accordingly.

Craig Liebenson: Assessment, Analyzation and Prioritization
For Craig Liebenson, assessment is about efficiency. Expect to get results, and don’t be surprised by them when you get them.

Alwyn Cosgrove: Kneeling Exercise Choices for Glute Firing
Tall-kneeling exercises are the natural go-to for glute firing . . . but which ones? Alwyn Cosgrove brings you into his thought process.

How do you use the FMS screen in a group class?
Here's a question we hear pretty often: How do you use the FMS screen in a group class? Alwyn Cosgrove and Gray Cook answer this for you.

Greg Dea and Rod Harris: Bench Press Movement Mistakes — Lock Them Out or Learn from Them
Dea and Harris dissect the bench press as an example of how and when function should determine the treatment of movement mistakes: What do the numbers say? What’s the athletic carry o...

Lee Burton: The FMS is the Entry Point
Lee Burton uses the FMS Performance Pyramid to demonstrate how the Functional Movement Screen and the SFMA work together to screen movement and further assess it when pain is present.