Posts tagged "Gray Cook"

Gray Cook: Movement Minimums
Gray Cook explains how managing movement minimums gets to the root of movement problems and gets your clients closer to their goals.

T-Spine Mobility: Why It’s Important
Many of our daily activities are often done sitting down, rounding through the thoracic spine, which can wreak havoc on posture and put stress on the rest of the body. In this collectio...

More Reasons Why the Squat is Called the King of Exercises
The second installment of the squat primer: the information you need to understand the squat as a movement pattern and exercise . . . and get more from it for yourself and your clients.

Gray Cook: Working on Breathing in Patterns
Gray Cook discusses using the Functional Movement Screen to identify and correct pattern-based and position-based breathing problems. Are you being robbed of mobility and strength?

Gray Cook: Self-Limiting Exercise and The Movement Principles
Self-limiting exercises aren’t easy, but they should be the cornerstone of your training programs. Using a few of his go-to exercises as examples, Gray Cook delves into why they work ...

Gray Cook: Function or Dysfunction
Gray Cook gives his 'why' statement on catching dysfunction. What’s the point of exercise if some capacity or competency isn’t going to improve?

Gray Cook: What I Look for in a Functional Movement Screen Score
Gray Cook answers a FAQ and specifies exactly what he looks for in a Functional Movement Screen score . . . it may not be what you are thinking.

Lee Burton: Building on the FMS Performance Pyramid
It’s easy to focus on the strengths of our clients and athletes. That’s what they’re good at. Identifying their weakness . . . that’s our real job and this quick clip from Lee B...

Stuart McGill: Hip Anatomy
Is it ever all right to lose the deep squat? Stuart McGill discusses the reality that many people don’t have the hip anatomy to keep it.

Alwyn Cosgrove: The FMS and Group Settings
Alwyn Cosgrove makes it easy to implement the FMS in a group setting: you already know what to do, movement screening just gives you information to do it more effectively.

Greg Rose: FMS Scores in Elite Athletes
Asymmetries in movement are bad, right? Not always. In this clip, Greg Rose discusses FMS scores and when you absolutely don’t want to see perfection.