Posts tagged "Gray Cook"
Gray Cook: Expanding on the Joint-by-Joint Approach, Part 3 of 3
Movement: Functional Movement Systems Gray Cook, Expanding on the Joint-by-Joint Approach, Part 3 of 3 If you did not yet see the first two parts, click he...

Gray Cook: Expanding on the Joint-by-Joint Approach, Part 2 of 3
Movement: Functional Movement Systems Gray Cook, Expanding on the Joint-by-Joint Approach, Part 2 of 3 If you did not yet see part one, click here to start at the beginning. Reviewing t...

Gray Cook: Expanding on the Joint-by-Joint Approach, Part 1 of 3
Movement: Functional Movement Systems Gray Cook, Expanding on the Joint-by-Joint Approach, Part 1 of 3 The original conversation between Mike Boyle and I regarding the joint-by-joint ap...

Applying the Model DVD Video Clips
From Gray Cook’s Applying the Model, 4-disc DVD set This workshop was filmed with four cameras to become comprehensive a 4-disc DVD set that will fill in the blanks and answer you...

Movement Excerpt: Self-Limiting Exercise
Movement: Functional Movement Systems Gray Cook, Excerpt on Self-Limiting Exercise Self-limiting exercises make us think, and even make us feel more connected to exercise and to movemen...

Gray Cook’s Movement Principles
Movement: Functional Movement Systems Gray Cook, Chapter 15, Movement Principles This is part 10, the final piece of a 10-part series in which Gray further develops the 10 movement prin...

Let me give you a taste of Perform Better Long Beach 2012
What a fabulous trip to Perform Better! The filming went without flaw, thanks to the great talent of Gray Cook, Lee Burton and Thom Plummer, with Dan John, Mark Cheng, Chris Poirier and...

What is the Functional Movement Screen?
What is a movement screen? The Functional Movement Screen (FMS) is used to systematically rate and rank movement patterns. The FMS focuses on identifying significant limitations or asym...