Posts tagged "Greg Dea"

Greg Dea and Rod Harris: Bench Press Movement Mistakes — Lock Them Out or Learn from Them
Dea and Harris dissect the bench press as an example of how and when function should determine the treatment of movement mistakes: What do the numbers say?...

Greg Dea: Questioning the Plank
In Questioning the Plank, Greg Dea looks at current research on the plank and systematically deconstructs an exercise standard. If the plank is a good exercise, what is it good for?

Greg Dea: Wellness Monitoring
On any given day, your client’s wellbeing has more to do with how good a trainer or coach you are than you might think. Greg Dea explains why wellness monitoring should be mandatory ...

Greg Dea: Knee Injuries in Volleyball
A must-read for trainers, coaches, athletes and anyone with an interest in jumping sports: Physiotherapist Greg Dea describes the mechanics of knee injuries in volleyball and provides s...

Greg Dea: Volleyball Shoulder Injuries
Approximately 43% of volleyball athletes will have shoulder pain in any competition week. You’re not supposed to have pain in your shoulder when you play volleyball. It’s common, bu...