Posts tagged "loaded carries"

Gray Cook: Work Capacity and Motor Control
Motor control work is simpler than we make it. Get up and carry some stuff. Don’t bring bad mobility to it. Then, all you’ve got to do is watch breathi...

Robert Linkul: Proper Transfers for Older Adults
Transfer movements are a vital part of so many exercises and trainers need to ensure that their clients do them with proper form. But, what are your clients doing in daily life . . . wh...

Loaded Carries—The Cook Drill Kettlebell Carries
In this segment from Gray Cook and Dan John's Essentials of Coaching Functional Continuums video, we learn how they coach loaded carries in three positions.

Dan John: Four Ways to Fire Up Work Capacity
by Dan John Work capacity is that ability to perform work, which determines your level of fitness that will, in turn, determine your level of preparedness. It’s an issue for people i...

Dan John: Gaps in Training
This video clip and transcript from Dan John gets you to think about the gaps in your training and why what you’re not doing may be your biggest obstacle.