Posts tagged "low back pain"

Robert Linkul: Proper Transfers for Older Adults
Transfer movements are a vital part of so many exercises and trainers need to ensure that their clients do them with proper form. But, what are your client...

Lorimer Moseley: Perception and Pain
Lorimer Moseley discusses an intriguing experiment that tricks the brain and demonstrates that perception is always a factor when dealing with pain.

Evan Osar: Low Back Pain – The Myth of The Weak Core – Part 2
In this follow-up article, Evan Osar discusses his preferred methods to develop a more efficient core stabilization strategy for his patients and clients with low back pain, presents ex...

Evan Osar: Low Back Pain – The Myth of The Weak Core – Part 1
It is often believed that structural or mechanical low back pain is related to a weakness within the core. This article discusses the myth of the weak core and introduces the idea that ...

Liz Koch: Over-Dominant Quads and the Psoas – 3 Ways to Gain Spine-Based Coherency
What are the far-reaching effects of over-dominant quads? Psoas specialist Liz Koch delves into embryology to explain this oft-misunderstood muscle, and provides three ways you can reco...