Posts tagged "movement"

Greg Dea: Feedback and Cueing – Making Them Work Together
When coaching, we decide if a movement is satisfactory or not. That means it’s also up to us to decide which coaching strategies of feedback and cueing t...

Maggie Selzer & Garrett Bullock: What is Motor Control?
When you use the term “motor control,” you know what you mean. But do you know what motor control means to your listener? To your colleagues? What is motor control and why is it so ...

Gray Cook: There Are Things You Shouldn’t Coach
The best coaches know what not to coach. They know that there are training setbacks and injuries that limit them. But at any given time on the training continuum, they also know the thi...

Gray Cook & Erwan LeCorre: What’s important in movement?
Are you being challenged by your exercises? Even hard exercises can become routine; you can do them well from habit . . . but can a slightly altered movement test you?

Gray Cook: Reviewing the FMS Scoring System
Most of the scrutiny and debate about the Functional Movement Screen is on the FMS scoring system. Gray Cook wonders if people are missing the point of what the screen is ultimately mea...

Lee Burton: The History of the Functional Movement Screen – It’s Conception and Misconceptions
The Functional Movement Screen has become a popular tool to identify basic movement dysfunction, but where did it come from? From the point of view of a co-founder, Lee Burton covers th...

Craig Liebenson: Assessment, Analyzation and Prioritization
For Craig Liebenson, assessment is about efficiency. Expect to get results, and don’t be surprised by them when you get them.

Kathy Dooley: Functional Anatomy for All Disciplines
Need an anatomy refresher? Kathy Dooley proposes body painting as a new and powerful way to continue your functional anatomy education.

Gray Cook: Dysfunction Red Flags
Is there a movement issue limiting your patient’s recovery or your client’s training? Gray Cook discusses the dysfunction red flags that may help lead you to the weak link.

Gray Cook: Movement Minimums
Gray Cook explains how managing movement minimums gets to the root of movement problems and gets your clients closer to their goals.

Gray Cook: Function or Dysfunction
Gray Cook gives his 'why' statement on catching dysfunction. What’s the point of exercise if some capacity or competency isn’t going to improve?