Posts tagged "stability"

Chuck Wolf: Muscle Energy Techniques
Do not build stability on top of stability. After considering the health and activity history and lifestyle of a client, Muscle Energy Techniques are often...

Charlie Weingroff: The Hip Hinge from the Neuromuscular Perspective
Charlie Weingroff elaborates on the importance of the hip hinge from the neuromuscular perspective . . . and why he thinks you should be able to touch your toes before you deadlift.

Charlie Weingroff: Rolling Patterns for Rotary Stability
Charlie Weingroff explores using rolling to separate the body into quadrants and provides some pointers on proper cuing and sensitivity about wording.

Gray Cook: Stability vs Mobility
Got enough mobility? . . . Unable to put it to use? Static and dynamic holds are where you pick up the stability you want and need.

Charlie Weingroff: High Threshold Strategy
High threshold strategies are necessary . . . but when? Charlie Weingroff discusses the issues that can result from incorrectly bracing for strength.

Guy Massi: Oscillation, Amplitude and Dynamic Stability Training
Did you ever believe in something that didn’t work . . . until it did? That’s Guy Massi’s story with Dynamic Stability Training using oscillation.

Emily Splichal: Time to Stabilization and Athlete Injury Risk
The anticipation of stabilization must be so well programmed that peak stability occurs before ground contact. Emily Splichal discusses time to stabilization in regard to performance an...

Alwyn Cosgrove: Getting Stability from Glute Firing
Core weakness? Or are the glutes not firing? Alwyn Cosgrove uses the Functional Movement Screen to identify dysfunctional problems and program accordingly.

Sue Falsone: External Shoulder Rotation Drill
To focus on exercises for external shoulder rotation, you can look beyond the shoulder to positions that challenge the entire body. Watch as Sue Falsone makes shoulder correctives a ful...

Anna Folckomer: Internal Abdominal Oblique Muscle and Stability
When considering the IAO, don’t just think ‘abdomen.’ Anna Folckomer shows you how connections with the back and thoracolumbar fascia create core stability.

Sue Falsone: Scapular Stabilizers
As Sue Falsone ‘dissects’ the scapular stabilizers, you’ll learn why she believes the stabilizing muscles of the shoulder should be looked at from a mobility viewpoint rather than...