Posts tagged "Sue Falsone"

Sue Falsone and Gray Cook: What is Functional Training?
Sue Falsone and Gray Cook were able to catch up on the lecture circuit. We’re glad that one of them thought it would be a good idea to hit record when th...

Sample PDF of Sue Falsone’s Bridging the Gap from Rehab to Performance
Since it’s nice to see a sample of the interior when deciding if a book is a good fit, we pulled together a sample pdf of a section of Chapter One of Sue Falsone’s new book to g...

Sue Falsone: What to Look for before Shoulder Stretching
Shoulder stretching may not be for all clients and patients. Sue Falsone discusses the issues that stretching can cause for some individuals lacking end-range shoulder mobility.

T-Spine Mobility: Why It’s Important
Many of our daily activities are often done sitting down, rounding through the thoracic spine, which can wreak havoc on posture and put stress on the rest of the body. In this collectio...

Sue Falsone: Cervical Thoracic Anatomy
You can’t mention cervical thoracic anatomy without talking about everything around the region; it's all connected. That’s what Sue Falsone covers in this short clip discussing stru...

Sue Falsone: Shoulder Rotation Drills
Dysfunctions in shoulder rotation are Sue Falsone’s topic in this video clip that looks at her go-to corrective exercises for compensations seen in downward rotation.

Shoulder Health: An Overview of Anatomy and Injury
Shoulder health involves understanding a complex joint—the body's most mobile and least stable. Small changes to anatomy can mean big injuries. There are many ways to injure your shou...

Corrective Exercise Excerpts from Our Books
Corrective exercise excerpts from our books Click here to return to the corrective exercise topic menu Excerpt from Gray Cook Movement While many people consider Gray Cook’s Movement ...

Video Segments about Corrective Exercise
Corrective exercise tips gleaned from our video series Click here to return to the corrective exercise topic menu Sue Falsone The Shoulder “When people raise their arms up in the...

Corrective Exercise in Our Lectures
Corrective exercise tips gleaned from our lecture series Click here to return to the corrective exercise topic menu Gray Cook What’s Behind a Mobility Problem “There are two re...

Sue Falsone: Shoulder and Neck Tension
The scapulothoracic area is where a lot of people carry their stress. They have tension headaches. They get pain in the back of the head. They’re always rubbing this area. When people...