Posts tagged "training"

Joel Jamieson: Using Heart Rate Variability
Don’t guess at where your clients are on their training continuum. Using Heart Rate Variability to look at the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous sy...

Glenn Pendlay: The Training Log
Progress doesn’t happen without a plan, and for Glenn Pendlay, a plan doesn’t happen without an old-school training log. It can work for you too.

Robb Rogers: Regeneration Strategies
Thought you had the training programmed right . . . but something seems missing? What about time for recovery and rest? Robb Rogers discusses the need for well-planned regeneration stra...

Dan John: Ramping Up — Training Rules for the Big Push
Whatever your goal, there comes a time for the ‘big push.’ Dan John provides you the tools and training rules to ramp up your performance when it counts.

Dan John Intervention Excerpts and Clips
Clip from the Intervention video: This is an excerpt from the Intervention audio book: This is the kindle sample from the Intervention ebook. Please enjoy Intervention, Chapter 21: Th...