Posts tagged "weightlifting"

Stuart McGill: Testing Athletes with Jumps
The Olympic lifts require a state of relaxation and Stuart McGill has an interesting way to screen for its presence: box jumps.

Glenn Pendlay: Strength Training is a Process, Not an Event
Spreadsheets are great for developing percentage-based strength training programs, but Glenn Pendlay wonders if they change how we view the training experience.

Greg Dea and Rod Harris: Bench Press Movement Mistakes — Lock Them Out or Learn from Them
Dea and Harris dissect the bench press as an example of how and when function should determine the treatment of movement mistakes: What do the numbers say? What’s the athletic carry o...

Charlie Weingroff and Mark Cheng: Touch the Wall Drill
Drs. Weingroff and Cheng cover a quick and easy drill to make sure your hip hinge is where it needs to be: as far back as your anatomy and flexibility will allow.

How to Coach a Bigger Deadlift
Get more from the deadlift: Here are tips from Gray Cook, Dan John, Mike Boyle and other masters that will help you coach your clients to bigger numbers and better form on this multi-ta...

Glenn Pendlay: The Training Log
Progress doesn’t happen without a plan, and for Glenn Pendlay, a plan doesn’t happen without an old-school training log. It can work for you too.

Glenn Pendlay: The Texas Method
You may have heard of the Texas Method, but do you know the story behind it? Glenn Pendlay tells you about his program, where it originated and how cheating played a part in its creatio...

Dave Draper: The Dungeon, 1963
Dave Draper reminisces about an important era of his training history and the history of bodybuilding and weightlifting; stories about how far we’ve come and how far you can go.

Glenn Pendlay: Structuring the Training Week
Structuring the training week has always been an obstacle that lifters face. Glenn Pendlay provides a great overview of his athletes' weekly training schedule as well as insights into t...